Six in 10 hay fever sufferers deal with symptoms from facial pain to earache

Six in ten hay fever sufferers are having to deal with severe symptoms – including facial pain (19%), earache (18%), and even losing their sense of smell (22%), a study has found.
Common symptoms of the allergy include frequent sneezing (66%), a blocked nose (67%), and red, itchy, or watery eyes (68%).
And three in ten (29%) have taken days off work due to the severity of their symptoms, while the same number have cancelled plans with family or friends, and 16% have even bailed on a date due to hay fever.
But despite 70%, of the 1,500 hay fever sufferers polled, saying they dread the effects of the seasonal allergy, a quarter claim they have been accused of “making it up” – by those who don't experience symptoms.
One in five (19%) feel that those who don't have hay fever are unsympathetic to their ailments.

And 79% have been told by someone fortunate enough to not have experienced the allergy, that it is not a good enough reason to not show up to something.

Dr Roger Henderson, GP and spokesman for Olbas, which commissioned the research, said: “People who don’t suffer from allergies often think the effects aren’t very serious.
“But our research shows just what a massive impact it is having on their lifestyles – and also the inquisition they have to face as a result of missing out.
“As hay fever is most commonly at its worst in the spring and summer – which are times when social engagements tend to increase – many are unfortunately left with tough decisions to make.
“A simple nasal spray or decongestant can help relieve a blocked nose and reduce the impact of headaches and sinus issues, allowing you to enjoy your summer social life by day, and sleep better at night.”
The survey also found that 71% believe there are several misconceptions associated with hay fever, with 27% believing the range of symptoms it can cause leads to the most confusion.
And 19% believe there are misunderstandings around what actually causes it to flare up.
Unfortunately, 62% are then left annoyed as they try to correct these common misconceptions – especially so for the 52% of parents who have pulled their child out of school due to a flare-up.
The research, conducted via OnePoll, found 77% have made attempts to minimise the impact of hay fever.

Of these, 76% take antihistamines to help combat it, and 47% resort to simply staying indoors when the pollen count is high.

But, of those who do venture out, 35% will take a shower and change their clothes as soon as they arrive home.
And 75% are taking precautions in anticipation for the arrival of hay fever season – such as closing windows at night (45%), and vacuuming their home more frequently (36%).
But for 85%, they feel they have just had to learn to live with their hay fever symptoms when they flare up.
Claire Campbell, from the decongestant brand Olbas, added: “It’s fascinating to learn so many believe there is significant confusion surrounding hay fever.
“But with the allergy having such a wide range of impacts for many of those who are suffering from it, you can start to understand why.”