Unpaid carers 'overwhelmed' by crisis gripping sector amid Budget cash plea

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Campaigners want the Chancellor to address social care in today
Campaigners want the Chancellor to address social care in today's Budget (Image: Getty Images)

A third of older carers have felt “overwhelmed” as the crisis gripping social care intensifies, research shows today.

Three in five older carers sometimes or always worry whether they can carry on.

Age UK warned that unpaid carers feel “abandoned” by the Government, as it urged Chancellor Jeremy Hunt to boost funding in today’s Budget.

Experts believe Mr Hunt, a former Health Secretary who chaired the Commons Health and Social Care Committee as a backbencher, “has the most developed understanding of social care, the benefits good care brings and the huge problems for individuals and their families and carers when it is not available, of anyone who has ever occupied the role of Chancellor”.

Age UK’s charity director Caroline Abrahams, who co-chairs the Care Support Alliance, urged: “The whole social care system relies on the goodwill and unpaid labour of millions of dedicated families and friends, and it couldn’t possibly manage without them.

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“We need to do right by these carers in return, but too many feel abandoned and left to manage really difficult situations alone.”

Unpaid carers 'overwhelmed' by crisis gripping sector amid Budget cash pleaAge UK charity director Caroline Abrahams (PA)

The CSA, which represents 70 charities in the sector, said: “The need for a long term plan to transform social care is unarguable.”

It urged the Chancellor to “halt the alarming rate of attrition within the workforce; to do more to support the unpaid carers on whom the entire social care system depends; and to help people on low incomes and with modest assets to manage the rising cost of care, so they keep having it”.

It also called for professional carers to get a pay rise.

Supporters hope it would help plug the 165,000 shortfall in the number of carers - and eventually ease pressure on the NHS so patients well enough to be discharged can leave hospital.

The CSA says the shortfall of social care services compared with surging demand left unpaid carers forced to fill the gap - placing them under “unrelenting pressure”.

Latest census data suggests about five million people provide care.

Recent research from Carers UK found 47% need more breaks or time off - and 41% had not taken a break in the last 12 months.

The CSA feared the “failure to provide adequate support for carers is greatly increasing the risk of these informal care arrangements breaking down - in which case the responsibility of providing care”.

It wants increased funding so “unpaid carers of all ages can get a break”.

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It added: “Most support their loved ones willingly, but they cannot be expected to do everything for them unaided, without any additional support and without any prospect of some time to themselves to rest and deal with other issues in their lives, including looking after their own health and wellbeing.”

Unpaid carers 'overwhelmed' by crisis gripping sector amid Budget cash pleaThere are pleas for more help for unpaid carers (Getty)

Age UK’s Ms Abrahams said: “Caring is an extraordinary experience that brings many rewards, but it is also incredibly taxing and it can absorb all your time and energy, leaving you feeling completely spent.

“It can also be very lonely - that’s why it’s so important that carers are offered breaks, giving them the chance to do something for themselves for once, such as reconnecting with friends, helping them to carry on.

“Without some regular breathing space there is a real risk that carers collapse under the pressure.”

Carers UK policy director Emily Holzhausen said: “It’s really shocking to see the shortage of social care having such a negative and, at times, traumatic impact on families who give up so much to provide care.

“The simple answer is that we need more support from social care, particularly breaks.

“The investment that we’re urging the Chancellor to provide would be a boost for families, helping to support their wellbeing, quality of life and prevent some from having to give up work to care.”

Shadow Care Minister Liz Kendall said: “Without family carers our social care system would collapse, and yet lack of support from the Government continues to fail the millions of unpaid carers who are seeing their own health and finances suffer because of their caring responsibilities.

Unpaid carers 'overwhelmed' by crisis gripping sector amid Budget cash pleaShadow Care Minister Liz Kendall (itvpeston/Twitter)

“Labour will transform support for England’s millions of unpaid family carers, providing them with proper information and advice, and ensuring more flexibility at work so they can better balance work and family life."

Lib Dem Leader Sir Ed Davey said: “As a carer, I know how looking after someone you love can be rewarding and full of love, but also relentless and exhausting.

“Family carers are doing a remarkable and important job, but many are feeling overwhelmed and close to breaking point.

“Our wonderful carers deserve more support, but they have been forgotten and ignored time and again by this Conservative Government.

Unpaid carers 'overwhelmed' by crisis gripping sector amid Budget cash pleaLib Dem leader Sir Ed Davey (Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror)

“The Chancellor mustn’t ignore carers any longer. He must finally provide local councils with the funding they need to give carers a break.”

A Treasury source said: "Last November, the Chancellor committed £7billion to social care.

"As he said at the time, how we look after our most vulnerable citizens is not just a practical issue but speaks to our values as a society, and that massive increase in funding will allow the social care system to help deliver an estimated 200,000 more care packages over the next two years."

The Mirror is campaigning for Fair Care for All.

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Ben Glaze

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