All news on the topic: Jeremy Hunt

Britain’s most costly chancellors who left the worst legacy
From Gordon Brown to Kwasi Kwarteng, Telegraph Money finds out who hit the nation’s finances the hardest
’Disastrous for the UK’: MPs’ pension fund exits Britain’s stock market
Jeremy Hunt and Rachel Reeves have been squaring up to the UK’s pension sector in recent months with threats to strong-arm money managers into backing homegrown British companies.
Rishi Sunak faces cabinet backlash over plans to curb foreign student visas
Education secretary Gillian Keegan, Jeremy Hunt and David Cameron oppose move, while university leaders warn of economic and cultural impact
Jeremy Hunt accused of exaggerating Tories’ economic record
Chancellor also criticised for ‘dodgy dossier’ on Labour plans as he aims to make low tax a key election issue
UK inflation has decreased by a smaller margin than anticipated, reaching 3.2%, which dampens hopes for a rate cut
Predictions for when Bank of England will start lowering cost of borrowing pushed back
Met police failed to act on Commons ‘honeytrap’ sexting reports last year
The force has said there was nothing to suggest at the time that the messages were part of a wider pattern
Labour will close £430million ’loophole’ in Tory plan to axe non-dom tax for super-rich
In a major U-turn last month Chancellor Jeremy Hunt said he would axe the non-dom tax break. But Labour’s Rachel Reeves warned the plans contain ’a load of loopholes’
1.6million more pensioners will be forced to pay income tax because of sneaky change
Tory Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has refused to increase the threshold when people start paying income tax so record numbers of pensioners are being landed with tax bills
How council taxes and the budget are pushing owners to de-list second homes in England and Wales
Wales led the way in tackling the problem of empty properties and priced-out locals – and now Jeremy Hunt has weighed in
Rishi Sunak risks losing his seat as Tories reduced to 98 constituencies in general election mega poll
The Best For Britain MRP indicates 14 current ministers and secretaries of state will lose their seats in an unprecedented wave of Portillo moments
UK taxpayers could be hit with huge price rises after Thames Water investors refuse to save struggling firm
It is now likely that the Government will have to step in for the water firm via a special administration
UK should ’absolutely’ be concerned about threat of Islamic State after Moscow terror attack
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt said European countries must “remain vigilant” after 137 were killed in an assault that suggests the jihadist group still maintains the capacity for major atrocities
Martin Lewis urges everyone born in certain years to put £1 in bank account
Martin Lewis has issued a warning to anyone born in certain years to put £1 in a bank account as soon as possible - and it's all to do with buying a house and getting on the property ladder
Rishi Sunak refuses to rule out NHS and pensions cuts to plug £46bn black hole
Rishi Sunak was challenged to explain how he'd find an estimated £46billion a year to scrap National Insurance Contributions (NICs), but didn't rule out NHS and pension cuts
Tax expert explains how to turn £450 saving into almost £80,000 pot
If you’re able to use the money saved from the National Insurance cut into your workplace pension, you could substantially increase your retirement savings by thousands of pounds
We're more tolerant than Rishi might think - we won't give in to his smears
Wallowing at the bottom of most polls the Tories are resorting to divisive culture war issues to drum up support, but bread and butter issues will decide the next election
Rachel Reeves does not rule out Labour having to make cuts after Tory carnage
Labour Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves said she's 'under no illusions' about the state of public finances, telling the BBC's Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg cuts may have to happen
Rachel Reeves interview taken off air as she blasts Tory failure on the economy
Labour Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves was interviewed by Sir Trevor Phillips, but repeated technical issues meant viewers were unable to hear what she was saying
Chris Packham sent every MP Dale Vince's book and urged them to read it
The new edition of Mr Vince's book urges readers to "stop the Tories" to stop the climate crisis and argued Rishi Sunak's decision to axe key climate pledges had handed Labour an advantage
Sunak took £10k helicopter ride and bagged Tories £250k donation from tycoon
New figures show how lucrative the Prime Minister's widely criticised chopper stop in Altrincham was - as his party later netted a whopping donation from the co-owner of B&M Bargains
Sunak 'failed to learn' from Truss as Labour blast £46bn unfunded tax cut plan
Tory plans to abolish National Insurance would cost £46billion, more than the tax cuts announced by the former PM in a budget that sent mortgages skyrocketing
Tories need to get election over with to spare them (and us) any more pain
While the Tories flounder at the bottom of the polls and with major pressure on Rishi Sunak, the best thing would be to call an early election in May to get the pain over and done with
Top Tories publish article urging more defence cash in blow to Sunak's authority
Serving ministers Tom Tugendhat and Anne-Marie Trevelyan posted a plea for more defence spending on LinkedIn for some reason - and didn't clear it with No10 first
King Charles still uses late Queen's clever home hack that fans went wild for
Eagle-eyed royal fans have spotted that King Charles has continued to use the same clever home hack as his late mother Queen Elizabeth that went viral back in 2019