Virgin refuse to ditch egg from flight despite girl, 9, having deadly allergy

A family feared they could lose their £19,000 dream Disney trip after Virgin refused to ditch egg from the flight menu - despite their daughter having a life-threatening allergy.
Carly-Jane and Craig, both 43, claim they have been left devastated by the decision that came after they flagged their daughter Dolly's allergy, which she was diagnosed with when she was three.
The nine-year-old allergy is so severe that she carries an epi-pen and could go into anaphylactic shock if she's even in the same room as egg.
Carly-Jane, from Rainham, Essex, said: "We have to find out what they're serving every time we fly because she could potentially die.
"She goes into anaphylactic shock. It's awful, horrific. Her throat closes, she coughs, her airways close up."

The family planned to travel to Walt Disney World Florida this April for Dolly, twin Betty and brother Freddie, 12.
Carly-Jane claims she reached out to Virgin in February to find out what meals they would be serving on the plane to make sure it would be safe for her daughter.

When she was told egg mayonnaise sandwiches would be served in the last two hours of the flight as part of an afternoon tea, Carly-Jane asked if it could be swapped.
But she claims Virgin said it wouldn't be possible to change the menu on one flight without changing it on all flights globally.
However in a change of heart, Virgin told Carly-Jane that egg mayonnaise sandwiches would not be served on the April menu for economy, where the family will be seated.
But some dishes containing egg will still be served on premium and upper-class flights.
Carly-Jane said: "They weren't saying she couldn't go on the plane but it's at our risk but we could get to the gate and the pilot says they aren't willing to take the risk. It's such an anxious time.
"We held off telling Dolly and Betty. If we couldn't go, they'd be absolutely devastated, heartbroken, they'd be in bits. It will make holidays for them an anxious time."
Carly Jane said on their last family trip, her daughter was left feeling anxious and she doesn't want her to feel the same way again.
She added: "We don't want to be awkward, I love an egg sandwich. I don't want to stop people enjoying themselves but I don't want my daughter to die.

"The thought of losing all that money makes me feel sick. It's really frustrating, my whole holiday rests on an egg mayo sandwich."
Dad Craig, who works as head of creative productions, added: "They said they couldn't change it for one flight, it has to be global, which I can't get my head around. It's one flight from Heathrow.
"It's the resistance that you get. There's no want to help or find a solution, it's very black and white. Half of the battle is they say they can give her other food. The allergy is so severe, it's airborne so it can't be anywhere on the plane.
"Egg is in a lot of things but it would be in its purest form if it's in an egg mayo sandwich. Our hands are tied."
The family are now left with the option of using a different airline, at an extra cost of £800 - and still risk the change of egg being served.
Or they will be left with no choice but to miss out on their holiday and the £19,000 they paid.
Carly-Jane said: "No one will tell you what they'll serve on the flights. I contacted the airlines and no one could tell us so we can't make an informed decision.
"If we don't get the flight, we lose £19,000. We've got a flight with Easy Jet before and they went above and beyond so it can be done.
"Why do people with a peanut allergy be afforded any more protection than someone with any kind of life-threatening allergy?"

Craig is meeting with an allergy specialist to see if there are any medications or masks available that would limit the risk of Dolly going into anaphylactic shock on the nine-hour flight.
He said: "We'll do anything to limit the threat. We're looking into noise cancelling earphones so when they announce the food options it doesn't put her into anxiety."
A Virgin Atlantic spokesperson said: “The safety of our customers is always our top priority, and for special food requirements we ask customers to seek advice from our special assistance team in advance of booking.
“We are able to offer various meal options for customers with religious or medical requirements such as kosher, diabetic meals and vegan meals. For allergies we would strongly encourage customers to take all necessary precautions including bringing their own meals on board and to prepare for the possibility of inadvertent exposure.
“On this occasion, we were able to seat the family at the back of economy, away from the meals being served in Upper and Premium which contain eggs as well ensuring all the cabin crew are aware of the allergy whilst also advising the family to bring their own food onboard.
Reacting to the news that the sandwiches will still be in upper and premium class, Carly-Jane said: "They said egg sandwiches will still be in the upper classes but we would be moved further down the back at the plane - it not the most ideal solution but it limits her risk."
The Mirror understands the family will now go on holiday and eggs will be served in some dishes both Premium and Upper class.
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