Rapist cop beat divorced lover with metal whip and locked her naked in cupboard

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Rapist cop beat divorced lover with metal whip and locked her naked in cupboard
Rapist cop beat divorced lover with metal whip and locked her naked in cupboard

Evil rapist policeman David Carrick regularly locked one of his victims naked in a cupboard for hours and raped her so aggressively she was physically sick.

Divorced mum Emma - whose name has been changed - is the daughter of a respected detective who she idolised and was quickly bowled over by Carrick, 48, when they met in a club in 2017.

The ex Met officer had boasted to her about being part of an elite armed unit, and had guarded the Queen, the PM, celebrities and even President Obama during a state visit.

At the time the mum-of-three's current relationship was coming to an end and she became caught up in what she thought was the perfect whirlwind romance.

She was quickly manipulated into moving into Carrick's Stevenage home.

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But rather than protect her as he promised, he controlled every aspect of Emma's life, leaving her broken and traumatised.

Rapist cop beat divorced lover with metal whip and locked her naked in cupboardDavid Carrick admitted to 49 criminal charges, including 24 counts of rape against 12 women (REX/Shutterstock)

He persuaded her to quit her care job and would force her to do chores naked and work out constantly, while starving her to the point she lost four stone in a matter of months.

Sometimes Carrick only allowed her to eat three chicken nuggets a day, calling her "fat and disgusting".

Other 'ownership' rituals included making her drink his urine, and she was restrained with police handcuffs.

Carrick even beat her with a metal whip which left her covered in welts.

One of her worst punishments, due to her suffering from claustrophobia, was being locked in a cupboard.

At other times she was punched in the face for looking at her phone, made to sleep on the floor naked and viciously strangled, kicked and slapped.

Rapist cop beat divorced lover with metal whip and locked her naked in cupboardCarrick boasted to Emma he was part of an elite armed unit (SWNS)

She was already in her 40s when she met Carrick with three grown up children.

Her son is disabled and lives in a care facility, and one of the worst things he did was prevent her from seeing him.

Emma said Carrick believed anyone with a disability should be shot.

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She feared if she ever tried to leave he would kill her.

Speaking to the Daily Mail she said: "I've never seen eyes like it, it was like a monster, like darkness. I just thought he was going to hunt me down and shoot me.

Rapist cop beat divorced lover with metal whip and locked her naked in cupboardCarrick committed his crimes over many years (REX/Shutterstock)

"I have no doubt that if I had stayed longer, without a doubt, he would have killed me. Everything was getting more aggressive. I was lucky to get away with my life."

Whenever she tried to stand up for herself and threatened to call the police he would remind her he was the police and owned her.

Carrick would even hand her the phone and "just laugh".

He went on to rape her so brutally that she vomited and was left with internal injuries

Emma said: "The sex became more and more aggressive, the word 'no' just did not exist in his vocabulary so he didn't care if I refused. I had no say in anything."

Rapist cop beat divorced lover with metal whip and locked her naked in cupboardCarrick is due to be sentenced next month (PA)
Rapist cop beat divorced lover with metal whip and locked her naked in cupboardInvestigations are ongoing into how Carrick was able to get away with his crimes for so long while working for the Met (REX/Shutterstock)

Carrick isolated her from her loved ones and would monitor her constantly through CCTV cameras he could view on his phone.

One day around Christmas 2017, she bravely decided to escape while he was out, after he'd torn down the Christmas tree in a rage after she painstakingly decorated it.

Arranging to move 100 miles away to her sister's she fled the house, ignoring the camera, and taking Carrick's metal whip.

Emma said she couldn't bare the idea of him using it on anyone else.

For the next four years she feared he would track her down and for a time did send her threats.

After the Sarah Everard case came to light - in which the 33-year-old was abducted, raped and murdered by Met officer Wayne Couzens in 2021, Emma began to think of reporting him.

She finally called the police when she heard another victim had come forward.

Carrick this week admitted 49 criminal charges, including 24 counts of rape against 12 women over an 18-year period.

He is due to be sentenced next month.

Ryan Merrifield

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