Come Dine With Me sex offender who works as life coach convicted of stalking

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Lucy Haughey at Glasgow Sheriff Court (Image: SWNS.)
Lucy Haughey at Glasgow Sheriff Court (Image: SWNS.)

A sex offender and former Come Dine With Me contestant has been convicted of stalking as she is slammed over her work as a life coach.

Lucy Haughey won the hit TV cooking show the same year she was convicted of sleeping with a 15-year-old schoolboy and was sentenced this week for a relentless social media campaign targeting her latest victim. This week she was in the dock at Glasgow Sheriff Court facing sentence for stalking Joanne Bell.

Haughey was hit with community service and a five-year non harassment order over the stalking case - two years after she was hit with a 10-year ban on contacting another woman she had stalked.

The 43-year-old mum from Glasgow moonlights online as a "professional coach" and "narcissist hunter" who dishes out relationship advice. A source told the Daily Record: "Haughey destroys lives. She makes very disturbing videos and posts them online. I believe she is going to cause someone a lot of harm."

Haughey first hit the headlines in 2017 after being given a three-year community payback order for engaging in sexual activity with a 15-year-old. She pleaded guilty to the charge after boasting to a pal online: "I'm glad it was me and not a skinny, skanky 15-year-old schemy."

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Come Dine With Me sex offender who works as life coach convicted of stalkingHaughey on Come Dine With Me (No credit)

But Haughey claims to have a huge client list who pay her for advice in identifying "stalking" behaviour of narcissists - defined as individuals who have an undue fascinations with themselves.

In one of scores of online videos, posted in December, she plugs her latest book on how to maintain no contact with a narcissist. She said: "That's what I do coaching in as well. Although I'm very, very busy and I'm fussy about the clients I take on. If you're bonkers and crackers and prone to being a mad liar I'm not taking you on as a client.

"And I certainly won't be giving my so called TikTok friends free advice anymore - because they can't afford me - then they go on and whinge and whine that they were a client. You couldn't afford me love. You didn't pay me. You weren't a client. And you never took my advice either. I don't like people who don't take my advice."

Haughey claims to "diagnose victims" of narcissists and even help them identify harmful behaviour. She said: "I will take them through the toxic 22, which I designed, which will pick out whether this person has been gas lit, manipulated, lied to, cheated on..."

She tells her followers she launched herself as a "professional coach" in July but has been posting advice online for several years. In another recent video, Haughey said: "I make money as the No Contact Coach but I've been the narcissist hunter for quite a few years now."

Come Dine With Me sex offender who works as life coach convicted of stalkingHaughey claims to be a 'professional coach' in relationship matters (Internet Unknown)
Come Dine With Me sex offender who works as life coach convicted of stalkingSex offender Lucy Haughey was convicted of stalking this week (No credit)

She adds: "This is a safe place for people to talk about narcissistic abuse. It's not a place to talk about me and ask about me personally."

Haughey also uses her platforms to tout a string of fiction and self help books she has penned, with her first book based on a woman who becomes a convicted sex offender. In the blurb of her latest book, Haughey writes: "This book is a powerful tool kit because it was written by a survivor of Narcissists... almost as though it were written for you by your best friend."

But some online bloggers have warned against Haughey's content and posted videos exposing her previous convictions. A source told the Record: "Haughey makes lives hell. Haughey destroys lives. She tries to destroy you. At least now there is a little bit of justice."

On Tuesday, Haughey was convicted of engaging in a course of conduct which caused Joanne Bell fear or alarm by repeatedly posting on social media about her, repeatedly uttering offensive and abusive remarks towards the victim's family.

She was also convicted of being abusive towards the victim in Glasgow's Queen's Park in October 2022 and behaving in a threatening or abusive manner at her home in the city's Cathcart, by shouting, swearing and uttering threats and offensive remarks towards police officers and 101 call handlers.

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Haughey was fined £515, sentenced to a five-year non harassment order and ordered to do 234 hours of unpaid work. In 2022 she was sentenced to a 10-year non harassment order after posting a video on social media which included abusive comments about another victim, Sharon Low.

Haughey had been convicted in 2017 of stalking the social worker and was sentenced to community service. The Record tried to contact her over her online content but she could not be reached.

Sally Hind

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