'Jeremy Hunt's Budget next week will be the Tories' final fiasco'

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Tories came to power nearly 14 years ago
Tories came to power nearly 14 years ago

Next week Jeremy Hunt will deliver what many hope will be the last Budget by a Tory Chancellor for many years.

By almost every measure the economy is in a worse shape than when the Conservatives came to power nearly 14 years ago. They have not just failed to fix the roof, as George Osborne, one of Mr Hunt’s predecessors, so infamously promised. They have wrecked the whole house.

Growth has stalled, wages have stagnated. The tax burden is at its highest level for 70 years and the national debt is getting close to a post-Second World War high. Shadow Chancellor Rachel Reeves is right to warn that if Labour wins power, it will inherit a dismal economic legacy.

That inheritance will be even worse if Mr Hunt decides next week to pay for a round of pre-election tax giveaways through further public spending cuts. This would be salting the earth for Labour, which already faces the Herculean tasks of repairing the damage done to public services, restoring the country to growth and creating an economy that works for everyone.

Deep injustice

The case of Ellie Gould underlines why domestic violence laws must change. Ellie was brutally murdered by her partner, Thomas Griffiths, when she tried to end their relationship. But because Griffiths attacked her in her own home, using a knife from her kitchen, he was sentenced to life with a minimum term of just 12 and a half years.

'UK's most neglected street with post-apocalyptic scenes like The Last of Us' qhiqqhiqdidedinv'UK's most neglected street with post-apocalyptic scenes like The Last of Us'

If he had killed her in the street, the minimum would have been 25 years. A Government consultation on changing the law ends on Monday. Let us hope ministers, for once, listen to the people of Britain.

Not flagging

Football-mad Mike Fisher, still hitting the net at 90, is an inspiration. His four-goal average per game puts Erling Haaland to shame. But we suspect the Manchester City ace gets paid a tad more...

Voice of the Mirror

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