'I have 180 kids but I can't find love - it's very lonely in the bedroom'

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A sperm donor dubbed
A sperm donor dubbed 'Britain’s most prolific dad' has shared his heartache ahead of Valentine’s Day – fathering 180 children has left him unlucky in love and struggling in the bedroom (Image: Jam Press/Joe Donor)

Britain's "most prolific dad" has shared his heartache as he's struggling to find love, despite fathering 180 children.

Sperm donor "Single Joe", who uses a pseudonym, helps struggling families have babies using natural insemination, partial insemination, and artificial insemination.

Joe, 52, has had intimate experiences with more than 200 women. He also ships his 'baby batter' across America, Argentina, Italy, Singapore, The Philippines and the UK.

But Joe, who has been on his fathering mission for 14 years, says his good deeds haven't helped him in the romance department.

While the prolific father feels great for helping people, his journey has been a lonely one, as he struggles to find intimacy. He explained: "You would think that, as a natural donor, I would be in the saddle a lot. But I have always said if you want a lot of sexy time, you should get a girlfriend or get married because I only meet women once or twice a month typically."

Baby boy has spent his life in hospital as doctors are 'scared' to discharge him qhiddqidduikhinvBaby boy has spent his life in hospital as doctors are 'scared' to discharge him
'I have 180 kids but I can't find love - it's very lonely in the bedroom'Joe says his journey has been a lonely one – something that has hit particularly hard as Valentine's Day approaches (Jam Press/Joe Donor)
'I have 180 kids but I can't find love - it's very lonely in the bedroom'Joe has spent the last 14 years helping couples have babies (Jam Press/Joe Donor)

"My success as a sperm donor ironically has made it harder to find success in love," Joe admitted, adding: "I spend a lot of time helping women to calculate the best time to meet, and sometimes ovulation times can change, I have to always be ready to help - this puts a crimp on my availability for romance with women outside of sperm donations."

Joe revealed that says he misses the intimate part of sex; as the moment he donates his sperm it is a formal act. Explaining how it works, he added: "For many women, it is not the penetration itself which is awkward, but rather the foreplay.

"Typically with natural insemination there isn't any wining and dining, no flowers or chocolates, but with partial insemination on it is even more austere. There won't be kissing, much less oral sex, a nipple may not even make an appearance, because women will often keep their top on.

"Sex might happen once or twice a month, but practically no kisses. Sometimes I just want a kiss and a cuddle without anything else!"

But despite feeling lonesome this time of year, Joe says it is worth it. He said: "Even if I am alone, my shipments will make other couples happy and feel more together as they inseminate one another with 'Joe juice'. I can enjoy Valentine's Day vicariously through them."

In the meantime, Joe is continuing his hunt for Mrs Right – though he says finding a woman who will put up with his lifestyle may prove tricky.

Do you have a story? Get in touch via [email protected].

Lucy Marshall

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