Boy, 17, diagnosed with heart failure after pre-Christmas cough got worse

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Christopher Quinn has been diagnosed with heart failure
Christopher Quinn has been diagnosed with heart failure

A teenager has been diagnosed with heart failure after developing a cough over Christmas that became worse over time.

Christopher Quinn, 17, went to A&E in Belfast, Northern Ireland, last Friday as the condition worsened. The teen, who began feeling unwell while studying for his A-Levels and working at the weekends to earn some extra money, was told he had heart failure.

His family, from the suburb of Ligoniel, were told by doctors that Christopher needed to be immediately transferred to a specialist cardiac hospital in Newcastle. "His heart was so weak that they feared he wouldn't survive," Christopher's cousin Lucy said.

"After being asked by numerous people about making a donation, I have decided to start a GoFundMe to raise some much-needed funds to help Christopher's mum Lisa, who is currently staying in Newcastle with her son. Despite his young age, he has been incredibly resilient and brave. He has already undergone an eight-hour surgery, which unfortunately wasn’t successful, and now has to undergo another.

"His parents have been by his side 24/7 but have incredible costs to meet in having to pay for somewhere to stay, for an unknown period of time, and travel costs for going to and from the hospital. Lisa has another three kids at home and if in Newcastle for an extended period, will also have to find the money to fly back and forth to spend time with the younger children."

Baby boy has spent his life in hospital as doctors are 'scared' to discharge him eiqdikxiqxrinvBaby boy has spent his life in hospital as doctors are 'scared' to discharge him
Boy, 17, diagnosed with heart failure after pre-Christmas cough got worseThe teen's family are now going through a 'traumatic' time, his cousin said

Lucy told BelfastLive that while Christopher's family are going through "a hugely traumatic time", she wants to set up a fundraising page, to take some pressure off them. Any money raised, that is not needed, will be donated to charity. "I would like to try to alleviate some of that pressure by ensuring they don't have to also worry about money, while she's there supporting Christopher, who is still at huge risk," she added.

"If anyone would like to donate, and every little will help, I will ensure that all the money goes directly to her and should there be anything additional, that isn’t needed, we will donate to Bravehearts Charity, who have been incredibly supportive to them throughout the past week." You can donate to the fundraiser by clicking here.

Orlaith Clinton

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