Gypsy Rose Blanchard talks sex life with 'teddy bear' husband after jail release

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Gypsy and her new
Gypsy and her new 'teddy bear' husband Ryan (Image: Crime+Investigation)

Recently released murderer Gypsy Rose Blanchard has opened up about her sex life with her "teddy bear" husband who she married while she was still in prison.

Gypsy served eight and a half years of a ten year sentence after being convicted of helping to murder her own mum. She describes her husband Ryan Scott Anderson, a 37-year-old special education teacher from Lake Charles, Louisiana, as a “teddy bear.” In the pre-dawn hours last Thursday, Anderson picked her up at the prison.

Commenting under a picture Ryan shared of himself. Gypsy wrote: "Ryan, don’t listen to the haters. I love you, and you love me. We do not owe anyone anything. Our family is who matters. If you get likes and good comments great, if you get hate then whatever because THEY DON’T MATTER. I love you besides they jealous because you are rocking my world every night… yeah I said it, the D is fire happy wife happy life."

Other Instagram users used the anonymity of the internet to insult Ryan and his looks, prompting Gypsy's anger. Responding to his wife's loving support, Ryan wrote: "Who said I gave a damn about what these jealous people say anyway, haha... now come get it Baby..."

Read more: Who is Gypsy Rose Blanchard's ex and who is her current husband

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Gypsy Rose Blanchard talks sex life with 'teddy bear' husband after jail releaseGypsy's new husband Ryan Scott Anderson has been thrust in to the limelight (Crime+Investigation)

Ryan first reached out to Gypsy in 2020 after speaking to a co-worker who told him she wanted to write a letter to the Tiger King's Joe Exotic. Ryan said: "I'll tell you what, if you write him, I'll write Gypsy Rose Blanchard."

Gypsy was convicted of second-degree murder for persuading her boyfriend at the time to kill her abusive mother, Clauddine “Dee Dee” Blanchard — in a desperate bid to be free of her.

For years, her mother forced her to pretend that she was suffering from leukaemia, muscular dystrophy and other serious illnesses.

When she turned 23, she supplied a knife to her boyfriend, and hid in a bathroom while he repeatedly stabbed her mother, according to the probable cause statement. Then Gypsy and Nicholas Godejohn, who she met on a Christian dating website, made their way by bus to Godejohn’s home in Wisconsin, where they were arrested.

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Gypsy Rose Blanchard talks sex life with 'teddy bear' husband after jail release'Yeah I said it, the D is fire happy wife happy life' (Crime+Investigation)

Godejohn is serving a life sentence in Missouri while prosecutors cut Blanchard a deal because of the abuse she had endured.

Incarceration was “nothing but self-discovery,” she said. She made friends, earned her GED and overcame early shortcomings in her education that left her unable to do basic math. While behind bars, she even met and married someone who forged a relationship with Gypsy by writing to her on a whim.

“I was in a little cocoon. And now that I’m free, I’ve emerged as a butterfly,” she said.

Charlie Jones

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