Homeless at Christmas - people beaten, robbed and have belongings set on fire

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The Mirror joined outreach teams in Manchester, London and Leeds after it emerged 309,000 people will be homeless this Christmas (Image: ZENPIX LTD)
The Mirror joined outreach teams in Manchester, London and Leeds after it emerged 309,000 people will be homeless this Christmas (Image: ZENPIX LTD)

Homeless people sleeping on the street are routinely beaten, robbed and subjected to a range of humiliating attacks, a Mirror probe has revealed.

We joined outreach teams in London, Manchester and Leeds after it emerged 309,000 people will be homeless this Christmas, 40,000 more than last year.

At least three people have died in freezing weather in recent weeks and many more are feared to be at risk. But it’s not just sub-zero temperatures they have to contend with. A survey by homeless charity Crisis has found that nine out of 10 have endured physical or verbal abuse.

We uncovered disturbing stories from those too terrified to sleep for fear of being attacked – including reports of people being set on fire, threatened with knives and even killed. Claire Hopkins, of support charity St Mungo’s, said: “It’s a huge problem. We’ve had stories of assault, verbal abuse, lots of theft of belongings and people being urinated on.”

Homeless at Christmas - people beaten, robbed and have belongings set on fire eiqetidzqidqkinvSt Mungo's outreach workers Claire Hopkins, in the black coat, and Ella Godfrey have been supporting homeless people in central London (Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror)

In 70% of cases the person responsible was a passer-by. Other culprits include security guards, business owners and fellow homeless people. According to Shelter, even in the depths of winter more than 3,000 people sleep rough in London on any given night, 26% up on a year ago. Soaring rents, prices and no-fault ­evictions are blamed for the figures.

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A rough sleeper in Manchester told us that he found his friend frozen to death in a doorway two weeks ago. It followed a similar incident in the city, and one in Beeston, Notts. Matthew Whittaker, 31, who is homeless after splitting with his ex three years ago, told us he is too scared to sleep on the streets of Manchester.

Speaking at an evening meal service run by charity Two Brews he said: “I’ve had chips and drinks thrown at me. Once someone whacked me in the head with a metal pole. It was a random person who found a bit of scaffolding and decided to hit me.”

Homeless at Christmas - people beaten, robbed and have belongings set on fireMatthew Whittaker is homeless in Manchester and says he was 'whacked in the head with a metal pole' (ZENPIX LTD)

Ben Webster, who has been sleeping rough for two decades after the death of his baby son, added: “Kids get set on fire in their sleeping bags. I’ve woken up with a blade to my neck. I know people who have been murdered.”

Two Brews team leader Matthew has seen the evidence. He said: “They come up with a black eye and say ‘Someone kicked me last night as they were walking past or urinated on me while I was sleeping’. It makes me angry. I don’t know why anyone would do that.”

Homeless at Christmas - people beaten, robbed and have belongings set on fireHomeless people in Manchester are being attacked (ZENPIX LTD)

Shelley Joyce, who runs Homeless Street Angels in Leeds with twin Becky, told us that violence happens every day. “One of our guys had his tent set on fire, another was attacked while asleep by someone who jumped on his tent. People have had rubbish thrown at them, been stabbed and urinated on.”

Earlier this month, McDonald’s bosses apologised after a security guard was filmed mopping the pavement where homeless Aaron McCarthy, 25, was sitting in Victoria, London. The incident left his belongings soaking and made him feel “like I was nothing”.

Dozens were camped in the same area when we joined St Mungo’s Claire Hopkins and Ella Godfrey for a 6.30am shift. They spent time with a dad who lost his home after a relationship broke down, and with a young man camping opposite Big Ben. Their “homes” are close to Buckingham Palace and Parliament. Claire said: “We’re in an area of absolute wealth yet we have the largest numbers of rough sleepers.”

Earlier this month, Tory MP David Davis stepped in to stop two attackers kicking a homeless man near Parliament and let the victim sleep on his sofa before taking him to hospital. A record 4,068 people were sleeping rough in London this summer, 12% up on the previous year.

St Mungo’s sends up to five teams a day out to meet demand in the capital. It also operates in Brighton, Bristol and Reading. Around 20% of those it supports are women, though they tend to be “less visible”. Claire said: “They may try a location where there’s CCTV or security like a fast-food restaurant or moving around on public transport.”

Homeless at Christmas - people beaten, robbed and have belongings set on fireHomeless people in sleeping bags in central London (Ian Vogler / Daily Mirror)

Cross-party collective London Councils found 846 refugees and asylum seekers were homeless in the city in October – up 39% from September. The problem is expected to worsen as the Home Office ramps up asylum decisions.

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Emyas, 26, was granted asylum last month after fleeing Eritrea and ordered to leave his Home Office digs within days. With nowhere to go and “no time” to apply for and access housing benefit, he now camps in a bivvy bag outside Westminster Cathedral. Emyas, who hopes to work in hospitality, said: “It is cold and scary. I never know what is going to happen to me.”

Last month, Suella Braverman, then-Home Secretary, condemned set-ups like Emyas’ as a “lifestyle choice”. Claire said: “The night those comments came out we met six women desperate to find shelter, terrified about their situation. How can anyone suggest that that’s a lifestyle choice?”

She urged the Government to tackle the issue with compassion and pass the Bill to stop no-fault evictions. Housing Minister Felicity Buchan said the Government is determined to end rough sleeping and had given councils £2bn – including nearly £190m for London – to tackle it.

St Mungo’s has launched its Last Night on the Streets winter appeal. To donate or volunteer go to https://action.mungos.org/winter

Amy Sharpe

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