Dad goes behind wife's back and gets daughter's hair shaved

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He didn't tell his wife he was going to get it cut, or just how short it would be (stock image) (Image: Getty Images)

Chores, disciplining and even the simplest of things like routine haircuts can be the centre of arguments as parents try to agree on how they bring up their children. And the majority of the time it can leave one parent straying away from compromise. It's similar to the story of one dad who took his eight-year-old daughter to get all of her hair shaved off, without letting his wife know.

Fed up of his daughter's screaming fits when getting her hair brushed in the morning he took drastic action, even though he knew it would deeply upset his partner. Taking to Reddit he stuck by his decision saying he didn't feel as though he did anything wrong, by getting his child's hair cut, even though it led to his wife driving off in tears - a reaction spurred by his wife's obsession with her thick, blonde and curly hair down past her waist.

In the post, the dad - who gave his daughter the fake name Anna to protect her identity - explained his wife's passion for styling the child's hair, and the screaming reaction it would cause. He said: "Ever since she was a toddler, she'd spend hours doing her hair every day, braiding it, straightening it and styling it in all sorts of ways. So I think it's more than fair to say that my wife's a bit obsessed with the whole hair thing.

"Before she got it cut, her hair used to reach past her waist. And while it looked lovely, she hated getting it brushed and every morning used to be a screaming fest between her and my wife. Lately, she'd been begging for a shorter haircut. My wife ignored her whenever the topic was brought up in hopes that she'd forget about it, but none of that ended up happening."

His daughter then turned to him, pleading to get a shorter haircut. At first, the dad says he was reluctant but when he saw how happy the prospect of a trim made his daughter, he agreed. So while his wife was out at work, he took her to the hairdressers and gave the go-ahead for a pretty drastic cut.

Mum's touching gesture to young son who died leaves Morrisons shopper in tears eiqrtidzdidqhinvMum's touching gesture to young son who died leaves Morrisons shopper in tears

Once in the salon, he let Anna choose her new hairstyle, "When she chose a really short clipper cut, I knew I was gonna be in deep shit with my wife. At that point though, there was no turning back. I mean, what could I have really done? Told her that no, she couldn't get the haircut she was so over the moon about, all because her mom wouldn't like it. I couldn't do that", he said.

Dad goes behind wife's back and gets daughter's hair shavedHe let his daughter pick how short she wanted her hair (Getty Images)

And as soon as he returned home he realised just how attached to their daughter's hair his wife was, as the cut saw her locking herself in her room and crying, before taking off in the car. "I knew she wouldn't react well to the haircut but I wasn't expecting her to take it this badly. The kid's upset too and no matter how much I reassure her she still thinks she's in trouble for getting her hair cut.

"I realise how attached my wife was to Anna's hair, but at the end of the day, I still think it's just hair. The kid's old enough to decide these things for herself and she was really happy with the haircut."

And while the dad doesn't think he did anything wrong in the situation, readers had mixed reactions. Some took to say how he shouldn't have gone behind his wife's back while others said he did the right thing.

One reader said: "I think it is actually insane that your wife is throwing a fit, and emphasize fit because I feel she is actually extremely childlike based on her reaction you described, over your child getting her hair cut."

This was echoed by another person, who said: "She is not a doll. She is her own person. Shes been asking for a while and your wife is brushing it off because SHE likes it. Its not like your daughter enjoys getting her hair done either."

Do you agree? Let us know in the comments below.

Paige Holland

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