'My mum uninvited us from Christmas Day because of my dog - he's so placid'

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A woman has been disinvited from her family
A woman has been disinvited from her family's Christmas because of her Great Dane (Image: Getty Images)

With winter fast approaching, many families are already starting to think about Christmas. But one woman's festive plans have already been scuppered by her own mother, who has decided to disinvite her from the celebrations.

The lady in question explained that she and her siblings alternate their Christmases; one year they will spend time with their respective partner's families, and the next they will all come together to be with their own parents resulting in a big family Christmas every two years.

However, she revealed that this year her mother has actually asked her not to come - all because of her Great Dane. She was told that her mum's own two young dogs are nervous of the animal, and as such, it would be best if they stayed away.

Writing on Mumsnet, she added: "Not only that, she was upset when I suggested we might have siblings and niece here on boxing day to compensate. My view was the dogs would just be expected to all muddle through for 48 hours for the sake of family.

"My dog is a great dane but very placid and uninterested in their smaller dogs. We'd also have been quite amenable to confining him to the utility room but no such compromises were sought, just 'we'll miss you and it's a sad situation'. So, AIBU for being upset that my mother would choose her dogs over her child?"

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People were seriously divided over the issue. Some were 100% on the side of the woman, with one writing: "I would absolutely tell your dm (dear mother) in no uncertain terms that you find it completely unacceptable that you are not invited to Xmas because she has got 2 new dogs. Perhaps you should host Xmas this year and she can arrange what to do with the puppies."

A second echoed: "I'd be very hurt if my Mum did that. She doesn't seem to want to work out how you can all be together for Christmas. Could it be that she isn’t looking forward to all the work and is making excuses?"

But another argued: "Nervous dogs, lots of people who bring their own dogs, kids etc could be a recipe for disaster. My dogs don't like my DS's dogs, I don't take them to his house, he doesn't bring them to mine, we make arrangements for the dogs to be cared for when we visit each other. I wouldn’t lock a Great Dane in a utility room either, that's not fair on that size of dog unless it's a huge room.

"It's up to your mum if she wants to come on Boxing Day, otherwise it's none of her business if you choose to host. I don't see how your mum is choosing her dogs over her child tbh. You're welcome to go just without your dog."

And a second noted: "It's September, you've plenty of time to get a dog sitter. There's always people willing to look after animals over holidays, and you've ages to find one. Just do that. You are not entitled to take your dog to someone else's home so if your mum doesn't want your dog there that's fine."

Do you agree? Let us know in the comments.

Gemma Strong

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