All news on the topic: University of Derby

Four psychological reasons why watching horror films is actually good for you
Dr Malcolm Schofield, a lecturer in psychology at the University of Derby, has explained the reasons why some people love watching horror films and others are terrified
Woman stuck outside home for over an hour after student parks across driveway
Gail Roberts from Derby said she was unable to get inside for more than an hour as a result of the parking outside her home near to the city's university campus
Experts' warning about screen time as it can cause children ‘damage’
New research has revealed just how much screen time is too much for little ones. The research was conducted by Tohoku University in Japan, with 7,097 children participating in the study
Tips to boost health in nature - walk in local park, watch sunset, hear birdsong
An ever-growing body of research points to the fact that nature is not only nice, we need regular doses to thrive, says Kim Jones