All news on the topic: US Government

Mystery over missing hours before cops caught son who beheaded father on YouTube
Justin Mohn was arrested on the charge of decapitating his father, hours after he appeared to flaunt the severed head in a YouTube video. But what happened in the period before his arrest?
CIA has 'secret office that has retrieved UFOs from 9 crash sites around world'
In a shocking revelation, it has emerged that the CIA has a secretive office which has been retrieving aircraft from UFO crash sites for decades. Now, politicians are calling for more transparency
Palestinian student shot with friends may never walk after bullet hit spine
Jason J. Eaton, is accused of shooting and injuring Hisham Awartani, Kinnan Abdalhamid and Tahseen Ahmed in Burlington, Vermont, on Saturday night - with Awartani's mother describing his trauma and agonising road to recovery
Mass panic sparked as millions of phones sound Emergency Alert message - updates
FEMA - the Federal Emergency Management Agency - warned 'seconds count in disasters' as the National Wireless Emergency Alert System pinged on phones, TVs and radios across the US
Republicans and Democrats take huge step in averting Government shutdown chaos
The House has passed an emergency stop gap bill to prevent the US Government shutting down - all eyes are now on the Senate with Republicans and Democrats at loggerheads
Democrat pulls Congress fire alarm sparking evacuation amid shutdown vote
Democrat Jamaal Bowman was caught on camera in the Cannon House office just before the House was to begin voting. An investigation is now under way
US government shutdown threatens nationwide chaos - all you need to know
Unless a divided house can unite by Sunday, the US government will shutdown. This could leave millions not receiving their paychecks and millions more unable to access bassociaic services
Politician says he has access to UFO footage which humanity 'can't handle'
Republican lawmaker Tim Burchett is a sitting member on the House Oversight Committee, which holds hearings about potential threats of UFOs, made some chilling predictions
US government giving away 10 free lighthouses for a very surprising reason
Lighthouses are being offered at no cost to federal, state or local government agencies, non-profits and educational organisations that are willing to maintain and preserve them
Most iconic UFO sightings in US that even the Government investigated
UFO's have been spotted in the states for decades with many of them reported to the US government. However, one pilot sent to check out a puzzling moving object was never seen again
US debt default threatens world chaos making Credit Crunch 'look like tea party'
The US has raised its debt ceiling limit multiple times in the last decade up to $13.4 trillion but a deal must be struck before the end of the month to avoid default which could spark a terrible recession
US military tracking another mysterious balloon flying over United States
The US military has been tracking the balloon since late last week after it flew across parts of Hawaii. It did not venture into any sensitive areas or pose a threat to air traffic
Pentagon papers leak suspect named as Air National Guardsman and online leader
We'll be bringing you the very latest updates, pictures and video on this breaking news story. Please check back regularly for updates on this developing story as they come in
Russia plans to sabotage Putin's war while he has chemo, Pentagon docs claim
Classified documents from a Pentagon intelligence report have appeared on messaging app Discord since February with top Russian officials reportedly wanting to sabotage Vladimir Putin
China 'ready to fight' and slams US for 'illegally trespassing' as tensions soar
China's military has completed three days of large-scale combat exercises around Taiwan following the Taiwanese president's trip to the US last week, which were meant as a warning
Americans to lose $1,000 ‘Big Leap’ support from April – see if you’re affected
The universal basic income program, which is known as BIG: LEAP, will see 3,200 low-income households without $1,000 (£800) a month after the scheme was set up to help pay for backdated bills and rent