All news on the topic: Trades Union Congress

Analysis shows UK unemployment is increasing faster than in any other OECD country
TUC says only Costa Rica had similar increase in first quarter as ONS data expected to show further rise in April
'Tories have run the UK into the ground and working people have paid the price'
TUC general secretary Paul Nowak warns that "zombie" Tory Chancellor Jeremy Hunt has put forward a "deeply cynical" budget while public services are on their knees
Jeremy Hunt told teachers and NHS staff will quit if austerity used for tax cuts
As the Chancellor considers imposing cuts to pay for tax giveaways in the Budget, a TUC poll of public sector workers found almost 40% are considering leaving their professions
Jeremy Hunt told to fix Britain's crumbling public services at Budget
Ahead of the Budget this week, unions representing millions of stretched frontline workers warn the Chancellor staff face 'intolerable pressure' and are quitting in their droves
Tories planning to use AI to scrap tens of thousands of jobs, union claims
TUC also warns of the risk of a disaster similar to the Post Office Horizon scandal if workers do not get a say in how machines are rolled out
Train passengers hit by triple whammy of fare hikes, overcrowding and delays
Regulated fares in England will rise by up to 4.9% from this Sunday - on top of a near 6% jump last year. Passengers in Scotland face hikes of 8.7% in April
Unions blast Government for restoring 'discriminatory' employment tribunal fees
48 groups join forces to protest against the fees including the TUC, Citizens Advice, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Fawcett Society, Maternity Action, Women's Budget Group and Liberty
Tory plans to resurrect fees for workers suing bad bosses slammed by unions
The joint statement from almost 50 organisations comes after ministers kick-started a consultation last month to reintroduce fees at employment tribunals
Teachers 'robbed' of £15k a year as millions of workers do unpaid overtime
A study by the TUC found that teachers topped a list of those putting in the most unpaid overtime at more than four hours a week, costing them an estimated £15,000 in lost earnings on average
'Bad employers are parking workers on zero hours contracts for years' says TUC
The TUC said hundreds of thousands of workers are being trapped in low-pay and insecurity
Workers 'stuck' on insecure zero-hours contracts for years
The Trades Union Congress said a staggering 66% of employees on zero hours contracts have been with their current firm for over a year while 12% have been for over 10 years
Rishi’s promises to kickstart economy in tatters as UK plunges into recession
There are concerns there will be yet more savage cuts to decimated public services - the Office for National Statistics, on Thursday, said the economy shrank by a worse-than-feared 0.3% in the final three months of last year
Two thirds of Brits back Labour's plan for public owned green energy
More than half of those responding to the YouGov poll, commissioned by the think tank Common Wealth, said they thought Labour's plan would have a positive impact on household bills
A third of employers have seen rise in staff working from home, survey says
A survey of more than 1,000 managers found that one in five have also reported a reduction in physical workspace as the reason to implement home working
Biggest oil giants raked in £100bn last year as climate crisis intensifies
Campaign group Global Witness focused on five of the largest oil and gas producers – BP, Shell, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Totalenergies - and how much profit they made in 2023
Government urged to drop plans to end ban on agency workers covering strikes
The TUC and the Recruitment & Employment Confederation (REC) urged ministers to reconsider the "ill-judged proposal".
'Many people are stranded high on a mountain of debt after Christmas'
As families struggle to pay their bills, particularly over the Christmas period, Matthew and his 250 colleagues at Money Wellness are now hearing from a staggering 1,000 people a day
Fatcat bosses get more money by 1pm today than average worker will earn all year
Big bosses like pharmaceuticals chief Pascal Soriot and weapons manufacturer Charles Woodburn earn over a hundred times more per hour than what an average worker can make in a whole year
Rishi Sunak under fire for giving knighthood to Wetherspoons boss Tim Martin
Labour the Liberal Democrats have joined with the TUC in slamming Prime Minister Rishi Sunak for giving knighthoods to controversial pub magnate Tim Martin and ex-RBS boss Stephen Hester
Families face £1,400 'debt timebomb' in 2024 with rise on credit cards and loans
The analysis by the Trades Union Congress shows unsecured debt, which includes personal loans, credit cards, and overdrafts, is set to increase by £1,400 on average
Tories criticised for post-Brexit pints of wine boast as economy 'on its knees'
Ministers announced pint size wine will be stocked on Britain’s shelves next year 'thanks to new freedoms from leaving the EU - but it was branded 'swings and roundabouts'
Lame duck Rishi Sunak to be grilled over 6 questions at Covid Inquiry
Rishi Sunak faces an interrogation at the Covid Inquiry where he will be grilled on Eat Out to Help Out - a scheme branded 'eat out to help the virus' by the Chief Medical Officer
Unite leader urges union bosses to back workers who break Tory anti-strike laws
Speaking to the Sunday Mirror Unite General Secretary Sharon Graham urged fellow leaders to commit to acting “outside the law” if necessary in solidarity with workers and other unions sanctioned under the legislation
Tories' 'draconian' anti-strike laws will lead to more walkouts, mayors warn
Mayors from across the country including Andy Burnham call on the Government to abandon their attack on the right to strike as TUC holds first special conference in 40 years
'We're all paying for Tory incompetence as they waste billions on Rwanda plan'
Instead of funding flights of fantasy to Africa the money would have been better spent tackling the gangs behind the Channel crossings and clearing the backlog of asylum cases