All news on the topic: Rare animals

Mystery as 'Bigfoot' print discovered by walkers on coastal path
The large footprint was found near the South West Coast Path over the weekend leading to much speculation over who it might belong to. It's not the first time such prints have been spotted
Mystery sea creature normally found in the Mediterranean discovered off UK coast
The new Pleurobranchaea britannica sea slug, which is part of a group usually found in Senegal and Spain, was discovered off the south west coast of England, likely due to climate change
Teenager reels in 18st mammoth goliath grouper fish on beach in 'lucky' catch
The fish, estimated to weigh about 250 pounds or 18 stone, was caught by 17-year-old high school student Isaac Francis who hauled the monster ashore at Turtle Beach in Sarasota, Florida, US
Crane that fell in love with zookeeper and shunned other birds dies at age 42
Walnut, a popular crane at the Smithsonian's National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute, chose one of the attraction's workers as her mate and built up a cult following because of it
Man stumbles across 'sea monster' as he walked on beach leaving experts baffled
Eric Evans found the creature dubbed the "Salish sea monster" as he and his brother walked close to where the Elwah River meets the Salish Sea in the US state of Washington
Abandoned 'unicorn' puppy with 'magical' tail on his head left in freezing cold
A shelter came to the rescue for sweet Narwhal, who was dubbed 'The Little Magical Fairy Unicorn' thanks to the tail growing from his head. He's seen some big challenges in his short little life
Man says he's 'definitely an idiot' as he's badly gored by bison he tried to pet
Halen Carbajal crossed a fence to get closer to a bison when he saw them in a land in Provo, Utah. He ended up with a liver laceration, a broken rib, and a bruised lung
Cow born with legs coming out of its neck stuns vets by growing to adulthood
The six legged cow from Brazil wasn't expected to stay alive. Now, his farmer claims the special cow is in excellent condition and leads a normal life
Mum and baby calf giraffes drop dead in zoo in one month in mystery deaths
A giraffe mum and its baby calf dropped dead in the span of one month in mystery zoo deaths now revealed in a report. Giraffes Penelope and Zuri died mysteriously at Cameron Park Zoo in July
Japan unleashes terrifying robot wolves to fight off bears attacking the elderly
The robotic scarecrows, known in Japan as the Monster Wolf, were initially used to stop wild animals intruding on farmland, but authorities are now buying their own to prevent bear attacks on people
Freaky fish with human teeth scares fisherman but daughter wants for tooth fairy
Brian Summerlin was fishing in Tangier Sound, off the US state of Maryland, when something huge snagged his line with eerily human gnashers - and it has gone on to break record
Alligator eaten by giant mysterious creature that helps discover 'zombie worms'
Scientists from the Louisiana University Marine Consortium dropped three dead alligators in the Gulf of Mexico to try and understand how land animals impact ocean food chains
Meet the world's tallest cow who stands 6ft 1in and ‘wouldn’t stop growing’
Tommy the Brown Swiss bovine from Massachusetts has been named the World's Tallest Cow by the Guinness World Records
Horrifying moment unsuspecting driver finds giant python lurking in his car
Brisbane North Snake Catchers managed to unravel the python from its coil around the car, which was parked in Griffin, an area of Australia's Queensland state
Scary venomous orb-web spider named after Tom Hardy and Marvel character Venom
Venomius tomhardyi is in reference ' to the head of the character Venom, with conspicuous black spots, that resembles the abdomen of our species, specifically the male holotype,' scientists explained in a journal
Rhino's rampage kills zookeeper and seriously injures colleague at Austrian zoo
The 33-year-old German woman, from Bavaria in Germany, died after sustaining fatal chest injuries when the 1.8-tonne rhinocerous, called Jeti, attacked her for "unknown reasons" before turning on her husband
Thousands of jellyfish spotted on UK coast and scientists issue ominous warning
The Aequorea Victoria, commonly known as the 'crystal jelly', has been seen off the coast of Cornwall and, according to experts, the sightings are a sign that the sea is now warmer
Incredibly rare two-million-to-one blue lobster has been found in UK waters
Fisherman denies the odds and lands a two-million-to-one blue lobster off the coast of Devon that has stunned experts, but the rare crustacean is saved from the pot and released back into the sea
Three-eyed 'dinosaur shrimp' wake up at Burning Man as site deluged with floods
As festival-goers finally make their way home from a flooded, muddy Burning Man 2023, a strange group of organisms are waking up in the flooded Black Rock Desert in Nevada
Mystery behind decapitated crocodiles in Australia with more bodies found
Six crocodiles have reportedly been shot in the past two months, with some of the carcasses found missing heads, according to Australian indigenous organisations
Outrage as town's beloved bear shot dead leaving two cubs roaming helpless
WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGE Endangered brown bear Amarena - which means Black Cherry in Italian - was a common sight in the Abruzzo region and families with children would often stop to watch as she and her cubs wandered through the streets
Beachgoers baffled after super rare shark washes up on British beach
It is thought that a group of these sharks could be living off the Welsh coast following occasional sightings of them, although they are often camouflaged on the seabed
Unbelievably massive alligator dubbed 'nightmare material' as it smashes records
A group of Mississippi hunters have captured a massive 14 foot 3 inch, 802.5 pound alligator from the Yazoo River over the weekend, beating a state record
Invasive worms found in yards have the same 'lethal nuerotoxins' as pufferfish
The invasice species of hammerhead worms are extremely hard to get rid of with experts advising you either smother them with salt or alcohol or even freeze them before binning them
Don't call 911 when you spot sex-mad mating manatees, warn sheriffs
A Florida sheriff's department has begged citizens to stop calling 911 when they spot herds of manatees near the shore. 'They are more than fine,' a statement reads