All news on the topic: James Daly

Paddy McGuinness slams Tory MP over NHS and leaves Question Time fans impressed
Paddy McGuinness was praised by Question Time viewers for skewering a Conservative MP on Question Time this evening, as he fumed over the Tories' handling of the NHS crisis
New Tory Deputy Chairman slated Government's record on rape just days ago
Tory MP James Daly highlighted the Government's failings on deporting failed asylum seekers and prosecuting rapists in his time on the Home Affairs Select Committee
Tory MP blames 'crap parents' for children struggling in his constituency
Tory MP James Daly was accused of 'insulting parenting skills' of the people of Bury after making the controversial remarks in a newspaper interview
Tory MPs enjoy cricket jolly in Corfu while colleagues tackled crisis in Sudan
Eight Conservative MPs, including Nigel Adams, James Daly and Crispin Blunt, and two Tory peers went on the trip to Corfu last month
'Glib Hancock shows contempt Disabled people face from Government down'
This week’s shocker (not actually a shocker) for Disabled people was news of a jolly little chat between then Health Secretary Matt Hancock and aide Allan Nixon