All news on the topic: EU election

Belgium headed for new government as PM set to resign after general election
The governing coalition of Alexander De Croo lost its ability to form a majority – while an expected surge for far right Vlaams Belang failed to materialise
Who won, who lost and who cocked up in the EU election
The far right had a good night. Others not so much.
French President Emmanuel Macron calls snap election following significant far-right gains in EU vote
French far-right leader Marine Le Pen welcomed Mr Macron’s call for new parliamentary elections
French far right obliterates Macron’s camp in EU election
The French far right headed by Jordan Bardella is projected to grab more than the combined total of the second and third place finishers as it lands its strongest-ever showing in a nationwide vote.
Europe’s Trump moment has arrived
As the far right surges, this week’s European Parliament election will reorder the Continent’s political landscape.
Greece rocked by voter privacy scandal ahead of EU election
Voter data held by the Interior Ministry found its way to a New Democracy MEP running for reelection.