All news on the topic: Conjoined twins

World’s oldest conjoined twins die after lifetime spent fused at the head
The world’s oldest conjoined twins lived a full life where they were authentically themselves, and now, Lori and her transgender brother, George Schappell, have died at the age of 62
Dad's pride as conjoined twin 'warriors' beat the odds to turn 8
Doctors said Marieme and Ndeye would not survive for long when they were born but, in May this year, they will celebrate their 8th birthday with their loving family
Twins conjoined at chest who shared liver 'doing great' one year after surgery
A family celebrated the one-year anniversary of separating conjoined twins Jamie and Amie Finley, who are now thriving toddlers after the surgery at Cook Children’s Medical Center in Fort Worth, Texas
We're 22-year-old conjoined twin sisters who enjoy life and one of us is dating
Twins Lupita and Carmen Andrade, who are conjoined from the torso down, say they have a happy dating life and have learnt to deal with the challenges. The pair share a liver and control one leg each.
Conjoined twins attached at the stomach separated after 11-hour procedure
AmieLynn Rose and JamieLynn Rae Finley are omphalopagus twins, meaning they are joined at the stomach and share one or more organs which in this case was the liver before being separated