All news on the topic: Alistair Carmichael

Rapists and burglars are let off hook as suspects prosecuted in 6% of crimes
Home Office figures reveal that just 5.9% of crimes in England and Wales resulted in a suspect being charged or summoned - including just 2.4% of rape allegations
Migrants outnumbered two to one by guards on deportation flights
Guards hired by outsourcing firm Mitie outnumbered migrants two to one on flights deporting migrants and foreign offenders, with the Government spending more than £3million removing them from the UK
'Tory government chaos' as plans to hike salary visa rules quietly changed
The Home Office appears to have issued an embarrassing climbdown on a hike in the threshold for family visas, quietly announcing it will raise it to a lower figure
Some 900,000 burglaries unsolved in last four years - more than Leeds population
The Liberal Democrats blamed years of Tory cuts leaving local police forces 'overstretched and unable to focus on frontline crime like burglaries'
Passport officials handed £2.1million in bonuses as delays wreck holiday plans
Almost 10,000 bonuses were given to passport officials last year despite 360,000 people waiting longer than they should have done to get their documents, ruining travel plans
Burglaries in your area as 'crime catastrophe' means 76% go unsolved - full list
Tory Home Secretary Suella Braverman has been accused of being 'asleep at the wheel' as new analysis found over three quarters of burglaries and car thefts went unsolved in 12 months
Foreign criminal deportations fast-tracked in scramble to ease prisons crisis
Convicts including killers and rapists will be deported and banned from the streets in a new plan laid out today as ministers battle serious capacity issues in prisons
Low-level criminals to clean up graffiti and plant trees instead of prison time
Justice Secretary Alex Chalk said plans would end the 'cycle of criminality' triggered by a 'merry-go-round of short sentences' as ministers battle to solve overcrowding in prisons
Suella Braverman accused of 'unworkable' PR stunt after missing barge target
The under-fire Home Secretary had previously claimed that the Bibby Stockholm would be in place in Portland Port, Dorset, by now - but the barge is still 120 miles away undergoing checks
Three ex-ministers demand change to UK spy laws to prevent 'perverse verdicts'
The demand came in a letter signed by Tory Former Justice Secretary Robert Buckland and Labour former Defence Minister Kevan Jones, a member of the Intelligence and Security
Suella Braverman 'resorting to photo ops to push unworkable Rwanda plan'
The Home Secretary has travelled to capital Kigali, where she hopes the UK can start sending asylum seekers by the summer after more than a year of legal wrangling
Rishi Sunak's 'half-baked' immigration plan 'will punish desperate refugees'
Critics have warned proposed legislation banning people who come here on small boats from making asylum claims will bring chaos while failing to end the dangerous Channel crossings
Burglar dodges jail for 56th raid - despite having 261 previous convictions
Nine serial offenders - including a sex attacker with 203 previous offences - were handed suspended sentences or community orders instead of jail time in 2021, figures show
PCSO numbers plummet as Tories branded 'asleep at the wheel' - see in your area
Analysis by the House of Commons Library found that the number of community police officers have fallen by more than 4,000 since 2015 across England and Wales. See how your area has been affected
Tory target to recruit 20,000 police still thousands short with months to go
The Lib Dems branded the target a 'broken promise' as forces rush to close a gap of nearly 5,000 officers in the final six months of the scheme. The Home Office insists it's all on track