All news by author: Sharon Graham

'We need to fight for the steelworkers and UK's symbol of decline - Port Talbot'
'Steelworkers will march on Friday against plans that would cost 2,500 jobs - its time to fight for the future of Port Talbot - we need serious investment to decarbonise and rebuild after decades of under-investment'
Five ways Labour should look to help millions after election, says Sharon Graham
Unite General Secretary Sharon Graham has identified five ways Labour can be bolder in their offering to working people if they win power
'It's a no-brainer - we need to renationalise energy to control our future'
It’s simple common sense that we need greater control of our energy sector, writes Miriam Stoppard
'NHS is dying on its knees and crisis shows wider sickness at heart of politics'
Sharon Graham, General Secretary of Unite, says the National Health Service is on its knees but this is just a snapshot of the sickness at the heart of politics in this country