All news for 2024-03-22

Dad faked paternity test with his uncle’s DNA to avoid shelling out £18k child maintenance payments for his son
Boy’s mum was forced to skip meals after dad spun web of deceit
Ex-Premier League star Ashley Barnes BANNED from attending all horse racing amid investigation into ‘scandalous’ race
Norwich city striker Ashley Barnes has been warned off by the British Horseracing Authority for failing to cooperate with an investigation.
Metro Bank ending seven-day operation that set it apart from rivals — with 1,000 jobs slashed
Half of its 76 branches will also be shut on Saturdays as it looks to save £50million
Tens of thousands of WASPI women OWED compensation by DWP, landmark report finds – check if you’re due cash
Tens of thousands of women are owed compensation by the government, a landmark report has found.
Greggs shops closed across UK after IT glitch left stores unable to accept payments
Greggs customers across the country have shared their frustration this morning because their local shop was forced to close following an IT glitch
Putin wades in on Kate Middleton photo scandal and warns ’crisis of power brewing’ in UK
Pro-Putin media outlets in Russia carried a fake story that King Charles had died earlier this week while politicians have claimed the Royal Family’s photo scandal is a "crisis of power"
Inside lavish life of ’El Chapo of the UK’ who fled to Dubai and blew £22k on bed before his arrest
Jonathan Cassidy was arrested at Manchester Airport in 2020 after returning from Dubai where he had fled to when the EncroChat app was hacked
Tory Esther McVey ’claimed taxpayer cash to rent flat just 25-min walk from husband’s property’
Esther McVey has previously pledged to clampdown on waste, saying the Government doesn’t want ’to see a single penny of your hard-earned cash wasted on unnecessary public spending’