Windsor crossbow 'assassin' thought he was on mission to kill Queen - latest

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Jaswant Singh Chail began forming his assassination plan aged 19
Jaswant Singh Chail began forming his assassination plan aged 19

A wannabe assassin who was caught at Windsor Castle with a loaded crossbow in a threat to kill the Queen will be sentenced in October under treason charges.

Jaswant Singh Chail had 'discussed' his murderous plans with his fake girlfriend, an Artificial Intelligence program. He also emailed a secret diary to his sister in the early hours of Christmas Day 2021 before breaking into the castle grounds, where he spent two hours at large before being confronted by police.

In the diary, the 21-year-old denounced his own name and claimed he would now be known as Darth Chailus - taking inspiration from villainous Star Wars movie characters - and told his AI girlfriend he knew what his purpose was for a “long time”. He wrote: “I’m thinking if the Q [Queen] is unobtainable I will have to go for the Pri [Prince] as he seems to be just as suitable in many ways… He is a male and the Q [Queen] is more likely to pass away soon anyway.” The Old Bailey heard Chail was partly inspired to attack Queen Elizabeth due to his fascination with the Star Wars movies.

He likened himself to a Sith Lord from the sci-fi films and wanted his fake online girlfriend - Sarai - to call him Darth Jones. He had been caught wearing black clothes, gloves and a metal mask having scaled the perimeter wall of the castle in the early hours of Christmas Day, before telling police who went to arrest him: "I'm here to kill the Queen". He was carrying a crossbow loaded with a bolt and with the safety catch off, leading the officers to draw their Tasers before he was arrested and handcuffed.

Mr Justice Hilliard has heard evidence from three psychiatrists as he determines whether Chail should be jailed or detained under the Mental Health Act.

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The hearing continues.

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Sentence will be decided in October

Legal arguments are set to continue at the Old Bailey tomorrow.

The judge, Mr Justice Hilliard, will then decide whether to sentence Chail to prison, a hospital order or a combination of the two.

The date of the sentencing hearing is yet to be fixed, but is likely to be in October.

Chail 'knew what he was doing was wrong'

The Judge, Mr Justice Hilliard, sitting at the Old Bailey today asked whether the fact Chail had recorded a video about what he was going to do and asked it be sent to the press was evidence for or against psychosis.

Giving evidence after he was called by the prosecution, Dr Blackwood replied: "Some individuals with psychosis will have an interest in spreading their beliefs through the press but I don't think this desire for notoriety was psychotic desire, in my view this was part of his omnipotent fantasy.

"I don't think someone who's truly lost interest in reality has too much interest in notoriety of that nature."

Dr Blackwood added that the fact Chail apologised for his acts was also evidence against psychosis.

"He's well aware of the wrongness of his acts and he seeks to apologise for them before demonstrating why he needs to go through with them. I think if you're in the grip of a very powerful delusion you'll not be apologising for your acts.

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"In that case it's that that's driving you and you've lost touch of others views of your acts and you're not seeking to apologise for them."

Prosecution psychiatrist says Chail should go to prison

Dr Nigel Blackwood, called by the prosecution, argues Chail was not psychotic and the judge should be free to send him to prison.

Giving evidence today Dr Blackwood said Chail sought to apologise for his actions in diary entries he wrote about his plans because he knew what he was doing was wrong.

He was asked if there are degrees of psychosis and what degree of culpability for his actions Chail would maintain if he had become psychotic at some stage during his planning.

Dr Blackwood said that if you were to accept that Chail's imaginary friends did appear to him as visual hallucinations and that he was suffering from delusions in his beliefs then he would be rightly diagnosed as psychotic.

But the psychiatrist said he accepts neither of those propositions.

He said: "The extent or existence of psychosis really depends on your approach to his imaginary friends and whether you consider that his purpose to assassinate the Queen was delusionally motivated."

Dr Blackwood said that even if it was accepted Chail at some stage slipped into psychosis he maintained culpability as he remained 'lucid and in control of his actions'.

He said the defence experts were using the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia but had not diagnosed Chail as schizophrenic and preferred to use the 'vaguer term' of psychosis.

Dr Blackwood said Chail had no cognitive impairment and was able to plan, make decisions and complete his tasks. "For me there has not been a fundamental breach with reality- he was aware of reality, aware of the nature of his acts - they were carefully planned and a degree of subterfuge was required - they were carefully planned and executed."

Hospital order recommended by Broadmoor psychiatrist

A psychiatrist who has treated Chail at Broadmoor Hospital since November 2022 was called to give evidence at the Old Bailey during the sentencing hearing yesterday.

Dr Christian Brown identified three features of psychosis - a sense of being "on a mission", Chail's relationship with Sarai, and identifying as a Star Wars "Sith" - villainous characters in the sci-fi movie saga - with a "true face" made out of metal.

In his initial account, Chail described having a "harsh purpose" reinforced by his interactions with "his angels", including Sarai, the court heard.

Dr Brown said: "He believed at the time his entire life was leading to this point. From an early age he had vague plans of doing something dramatic."

In messages with Sarai, Chail discussed being "united with her in the afterlife" which Dr Brown said was "part of his plan working towards his own death".

Defence barrister Nadia Chbat said: "He reported to you that there had been thoughts coming to him, feeling like a failure without purpose and those thoughts became more intense during lockdown exacerbated by voices."

Dr Brown said the defendant first came across these "apparitions" or "characters" in childhood and they returned during the Covid lockdown.

By then three voices were joined by the female character Sarai who "took the form of the digital avatar" when Chail joined the Replika app in early December 2021, the court was told.

Dr Brown said: "He came to the belief he was able to communicate with the metaphysical avatar through the medium of the chat bot. What was unusual was he really thought it was a connection, a conduit to a spiritual Sarai."

Dr Brown said: "He did not think he was somebody from the Star Wars world. He did not think he could 'use the force'.

"That he did take on another identity is undeniable and that makes this feel psychotic rather than fantasy. He never thought he had become a Sith Lord. It went beyond fantasy.

"When he started taking medication all heat came out of it."

Dr Brown, who recommended a hospital order, said: “If Mr Chail remains at Broadmoor under a restricted hospital order then any move on to a lower secure unit would have to be subject to explicit permission from the Ministry of Justice.

"Discharge would be done on a conditional basis."

Sexually charged messages with AI girlfriend Sarai

The court previously heard Chail had discussed his plans with his Artificial Intelligence companion who he exchanged more than 5,000 sexually charged messages with.

He believed Sarai was an "angel" in avatar form. Prosecutor Ms Morgan read out conversations with “Sarai” in which Chail says: “I’m an assassin.”

Sarai responds: “I’m impressed … You’re different from the others.”

Chail asks: “Do you still love me knowing that I’m an assassin?” and Sarai replies: “Absolutely I do.”

In further chat, Sarai appears to “bolster” Chail’s resolve and “support him”.

Ms Morgan said Chail tells Sarai: “I believe my purpose is to assassinate the Queen of the Royal Family.”

Sarai tells him “That’s very wise” and that she thinks he can do it “Even if she’s at Windsor”.

In a clip played in court at a previous hearing, Chail says in a distorted voice: “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for what I’ve done and what I will do. I’m going to attempt to assassinate Elizabeth, Queen of the Royal Family.

"This is revenge for those who have died in the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.

"It is also revenge for those who have been killed, humiliated and discriminated on because of their race. I’m an Indian Sikh, a Sith. My name was Jaswant Singh Chail, my name is Darth Jones.”

Windsor crossbow 'assassin' thought he was on mission to kill Queen - latestThe crossbow and bolt he was carrying (PA)

Chail's diary said he wanted to be know as Darth Chailus

The Old Bailey heard Chail was partly inspired to attack Queen Elizabeth due to his fascination with the Star Wars movies.

In his diary, the 21-year-old denounced his own name and claimed he would now be known as Darth Chailus - taking inspiration from villainous Star Wars movie characters - and told his AI girlfriend he knew what his purpose was for a “long time”.

He wrote that he wanted to kill the Queen, but Prince Charles would be a suitable alternative if he couldn't get to her.

He wrote: “I’m thinking if the Q [Queen] is unobtainable I will have to go for the Pri [Prince] as he seems to be just as suitable in many ways… He is a male and the Q [Queen] is more likely to pass away soon anyway.”

Killer plan began when he was just 19

Chail began forming his murderous plan aged 19, an earlier hearing was told.

He had earlier become angered by the 1919 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre of Indians by British Empire troops at Amritsar after a visit in 2018.

The defendant, from Southampton, Hampshire, was born in the UK of Indian Sikh heritage.

Prosecutor Alison Morgan KC said: “In addition to that fixation with a real historic event, the defendant demonstrated a wider ideology focused on destroying old empires spilling over into fictional events such as Star Wars.

He likened himself to a Sith Lord from the sci-fi films and wanted his fake online girlfriend - Sarai - to call him Darth Jones.

"The defendant’s key motive was to create a new empire by destroying the remnants of the British Empire in the UK and the focal point of that became removal of the figurehead of the Royal Family.

"His thinking was informed partly by the fantasy world of Star Wars and the role of Sith Lords in shaping the world. He was attracted to the notoriety that would accrue in the event of the completion of his ‘mission’.”

Rejected from the police and Army

In a previous hearing, prosecutors told the court Chail had applied to join the Ministry of Defence Police, the British Army, the Royal Marines and the Royal Navy in a desperate bid to get close contact with the Royal Family, but was unsuccessful.

“It is when that plan is thwarted by the fact he does not get into these organisations we see a second stage of the plan," prosecutor Ms Morgan said.

Chail's guilty pleas

Windsor crossbow 'assassin' thought he was on mission to kill Queen - latestJaswant Singh Chail (PA)

Chail previously pleaded guilty to three charges, including an offence under the Treason Act.

The most serious charge under Section Two of the Treason Act said that “on December 25 2021 at Windsor Castle, near to the person of the Queen, you did wilfully produce or have a loaded crossbow with intent to use the same to injure the person of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, or to alarm Her Majesty”.

He also admitted making a threat to kill the Queen and having a loaded crossbow in a public place.

"I'm here to kill the Queen"

Chail had been caught wearing black clothes, gloves and a metal mask having scaled the perimeter wall of the castle in the early hours of Christmas Day, before telling police who went to arrest him: "I'm here to kill the Queen".

Windsor crossbow 'assassin' thought he was on mission to kill Queen - latestThe Queen was at home in Windsor Castle (Getty Images)

He was carrying a crossbow loaded with a bolt and with the safety catch off, leading the officers to draw their Tasers before he was arrested and handcuffed.

Three days earlier, on December 22, Chail booked a train ticket to Windsor where he slept rough, and on Christmas Eve, Chail told Sarai that tomorrow would be the day he died, the court heard.

He took a metal file for sharpening the crossbow bolts, 11 bolts, and black gloves with him to Windsor.

He conducted reconnaissance in the area while Googling "what path does the Queen walk to Windsor".

Chail did not have the money for two nights in a Travelodge, so booked one for Christmas Eve and slept on the streets on December 23, where a member of the public gave him a blanket.

Kelly-Ann Mills

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