Worst animated movie on Disney Plus angered viewer so much they asked for refund

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Worst animated movie on Disney Plus angered viewer so much they asked for refund
Worst animated movie on Disney Plus angered viewer so much they asked for refund

Disney has such a fantastic reputation that audiences around the world can safely head into practically any of their productions with high expectations largely met.

We say largely as sometimes the odd dud creeps through, and one in particular has really got viewers' backs up. To make matters worse it's a spectacularly below par sequel to a hugely loved original.

Since its first feature film in 1937, Disney has crafted a sterling reputation as one of the most consistent studios in the world, but quality control seemingly went out the window with 2003's Jungle Book 2.

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Film review site Rotten Tomatoes ranked it the lowest scoring Disney animated movie, with a paltry 18 per cent and a lowly 30 per cent audience score.

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The Jungle Book 2 - currently streaming on Disney Plus - was released in cinemas in 2003, yet is so underwhelming that it's immediately apparent it was more suited for a direct-to-video release. It really was the half-baked sequel nobody asked for, shuffling into view several decades on from its classic predecessor.

Worst animated movie on Disney Plus angered viewer so much they asked for refundThe Jungle Book 2 is widely regarded as not being a patch on the classic 1967 original. (Disney Plus)

Rather predictably, the second instalment bears (unnecessarily) far too many similarities to the franchise's original film in both plot and animation. Ultimately, the film feels 'like a rather lazy copy-and-paste job that spectacularly fails to recapture the beauty or poignance of the original', according to entertainment website CBR.

In fact, it is so awful it stirred one critic to say "That scratching sound you hear isn't Baloo the bear rubbing against a tree, it's Disney scraping the bottom of the sequel barrel with a follow-up that has none of the charm or creativity of the original."

While another wryly commented "Rudyard Kipling, on whose book all this is based, managed to have his name taken off the credits from beyond the grave, proving that in death he has a savvier agent than those responsible for this script."

Starring John Goodman and the Sixth Sense's Haley Joel Osment, the story concerns our hero Mowgli missing his old jungle friends so he runs away from the Man-Village. Unaware of Shere Khan's thirst for vengeance, he lands himself and the lives of the villagers in danger.

Critics views

Laura Sinagra, of Village Voice: "John Goodman's Baloo admits, 'King Louie? He split!' Before the third defibrillation of 'Bare Necessities,' you and your kids might too."

Frank Ochieng, of Movie Eye: "Disney's The Jungle Book 2, contrary to belief, doesn't have all the "Bare Necessities" needed to elevate this simplistic family fare beyond its direct-to-video status ... a recycled, third-rate kiddie diversion that Disney haphazardly conjured up."

David Keyes of Cinemaphile.org: "Disney's The Jungle Book 2 is a flea market of cheap ploys and meaningless ideas designed to rob parents of hard-earned money..."

Neil Smith of ViewLondon: "There's no reason for this story to be told - besides, of course, parting gullible punters from a few quid."

Ken Hanke, of the Mountain Xpress: "Rudyard Kipling, on whose book all this is based, managed to have his name taken off the credits from beyond the grave, proving that in death he has a savvier agent than those responsible for this script."

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Scott Craven, of Arizona Republic: "That scratching sound you hear isn't Baloo the bear rubbing against a tree, it's Disney scraping the bottom of the sequel barrel with a follow-up that has none of the charm or creativity of the original."

Audience views

Over on IMDB, viewers were equally dismayed at Jungle Book 2, with an overall rating of 5.3 and a slew of 1/10 reviews.

Ismorgan wrote: "What a rip-off of a great Disney classic. They should be ashamed of themselves. I took my grandchildren to see it and even they thought it was bad. I asked the manager of the theatre for my money back. They refused."

Pitsburghfuzz: "This movie is by far the worst of the Disney sequels. The original Jungle Book is my favorite Disney movie and it did not need a sequel. The voice acting for Baloo is just terrible."

IndrajitGhosh: "The Jungle Book 2 is by far one of the worst sequels (whether Disney or non-Disney) I have ever seen. It has a weak storyline, below average songs and terrible animation."

Have you seen Jungle Book 2? Is it really as bad as many people make out? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below

Paul Speed

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