Horror as man mows down pedestrian killing her dog during race with his pal

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The woman and dog were hit on Doe Bank Lane (Image: Birmingham Live/BPM MEDIA)
The woman and dog were hit on Doe Bank Lane (Image: Birmingham Live/BPM MEDIA)

A driver who mowed down a pedestrian and killed her dog whilst racing his friend has avoided jail.

Kallum Aish was speeding along Doe Bank Lane in Great Barr in a black Renault Clio chasing a Vauxhall ahead, despite not having a licence. But the then 17-year-old lost control and ploughed into Patricia Faulkner, bashing her into the hedge and leaving her with serious injuries, whilst tragically killing her Staffordshire bull terrier Millie. Aish then fled the scene.

Birmingham Crown Court heard that since the horrifying incident in July 2020, which was caught on camera, Aish has suffered his own 'karma' after he was knocked off his bike in a hit-and-run which shattered the side of his skull. He has been forced to move due to death threats and having his home firebombed while he has also received treatment for cancer, reports Birmingham Live.

Aish, now aged 20 and of Sutton Coldfield, admitted causing serious injury by dangerous driving, failing to stop, driving without a licence and insurance, criminal damage (killing the dog) as well as possession of cannabis after 25 bags of the class B drug were found in his bedroom upon arrest.

On Wednesday he was sentenced to 22 months suspended for 18 months, avoiding immediate imprisonment mainly due to his age at the time, the fact he had pleaded guilty and his various health issues. He was also banned from driving for three years.

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Horror as man mows down pedestrian killing her dog during race with his palKallum Aish leaves Birmingham Magistrates Court (BPM Media)

Judge Avik Mukherjee said: "I'm acutely aware the sentence I have to pass will not satisfy anyone and it doesn't seek to compensate Mrs Faulkner for her appalling injuries and terrible loss."

The collision occurred around 4.55pm on July 22, 2020. A witness estimated Aish, who had two passengers in his car, was travelling between double to triple the 20mph speed limit. Prosecutor Rebecca Da Silva stated Mrs Faulkner was 'propelled into the hedge row' while Millie was fatally injury.

In a statement the mother-of-three said: "I owned her for four years, she was a rescue dog. She was my world, an absolutely wonderful dog. She was out for a walk and I can't understand how anybody could leave a dying dog alone in pain. I will forever miss her. Nothing will replace her."

Mrs Faulkner herself suffered a broken leg and concussion. She outlined the difficulty of her disabled husband now having to care for her as well as the ongoing pain and drowsiness. Mrs Faulkner added: "My whole life has changed."

Aish only made himself known to West Midlands Police a week later when the force put out a public appeal for information with the shocking footage of the collision. Richard Davenport, defending, conceded the 'callous disregard' he showed for the victim and her pet at the time but described the difficult circumstances his client has faced since.

Horror as man mows down pedestrian killing her dog during race with his palPatricia Faulkner was walking her eight-year-old Staffie, Millie (BPM Media)

He said: "There was so much venom towards the family from the local community the home ended up being firebombed. It wasn't burnt down but the front window was destroyed by a petrol bomb and they had to move. The defendant received death threats on social media from members of the public. He completely lost touch with his circle of friends.

"And his mother describes this incident as being karma for what took place in 2020. On December 5 the defendant was riding his bike down the road when he was hit by another vehicle. The collision shattered the right side of his skull." Mr Davenport stated Aish was still experiencing ongoing health issues. He added he was 'extremely immature' at the time but had written to Mrs Faulkner expressing his regret.

Judge Mukherjee said: "The bottom line Mr Aish is you shouldn't have even been driving at all on that day. You had no licence and no insurance. You already had previously breached the road traffic laws of the country. Worse was to follow. This was aggressive driving at excessive speed and frankly it's obvious to all, in particular me, you were racing someone else.

"Who? I don't know. I am sure you do. You haven't sought to tell anyone. Why? I don't know but I put it down to machismo, ego and testosterone. You were an inexperienced driver at the time. You lost control vividly and swerved into an innocent pedestrian Patricia Faulkner who was taking Millie for a walk with devastating consequences to both."

He continued: "This incident was borne out of nothing other than reckless and dangerous behaviour. Motor vehicles are lethal weapons. Those driving them must have a duty of care to other road users. You significantly neglected that duty. Not only did Millie die but Mrs Faulkner suffered life-changing injuries."

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Aish was ordered to carry out 30 days of rehabilitation activity and complete a Stepping Stones programme. Judge Mukherjee did not award compensation due to the fact he is currently unemployed and living at home with his mum. He stated any sum he could order would be 'derisory' and 'insulting' to Mrs Faulkner.

The judge added: "This is an exceptional course I am taking for very serious offences. You will get one chance. You will not get another."

Carl Jackson

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