Nurse loses 5 stone in just 6 months with trick that takes just 9 minutes a day

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Nurse loses 5 stone in just 6 months with trick that takes just 9 minutes a day
Nurse loses 5 stone in just 6 months with trick that takes just 9 minutes a day

Yo-yo dieter Laura-Beth Ives shed five stone in just six months - and it took her just nine minutes of effort a day.

Nurse Laura-Beth, 32, from Tameside, Greater Manchester, piled on the pounds while she was on maternity leave after having her son five years ago. She had tried all sorts of diets to shed the weight and keep it off but always ended up back at square one. But she has now managed to lose a staggering five stone in just six months thanks to a revolutionary weight loss programme being trialled at the hospital where she works.

Laura-Beth tried the Slimpod app, which uses neuroscience techniques for just nine minutes each day to change the way people think and feel about food. It is said to help them instinctively make healthier choices and move more, which in turn encourages them to have more willpower and then lose weight. Mum-of-one Laura-Beth was staggered by the impact it had.

She has now dropped from a size 18 to a 10, going from 15 and a half stone to just 10 and a half stone. Laura-Beth said: “Several times I’ve lost weight but put it all back on, and more. I managed to get to a size 12 a few years ago but was such an emotional eater that the weight just went back on - I could easily eat a full big bar of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk and would snack on sweet stuff non-stop at work to keep me going.

Nurse loses 5 stone in just 6 months with trick that takes just 9 minutes a day eidqiqzzideeinvLaura before she shed the pounds (Slimpod)
Nurse loses 5 stone in just 6 months with trick that takes just 9 minutes a dayLaura lost the weight in just six months (Slimpod)

“Since I started the Slimpod programme it’s all changed - it was like a switch flicking in my head. I no longer reach for sugary food for comfort, my shopping basket is full of healthy food and I take healthy food into work too.” Laura-Beth features on How to Lose Weight Well on Channel 4 tonight where Dr Xand Van Tulleken investigates if unconscious persuasion could be the future of dieting.

TV doc Michael Mosley says of last meal of day time is cruical to losing weightTV doc Michael Mosley says of last meal of day time is cruical to losing weight

Slimpod founder Sandra Roycroft-Davis has been using the technique on hundreds of NHS workers across the country. The programme includes video coaching and a unique voice recording that you listen to for just nine minutes a day. It gently retrains the brain to change the way you think and feel about food and yourself.

Sandra Roycroft-Davis, a Harley Street weight loss specialist, says: “Where you used to get pleasure from unhealthy food and sugary snacks, your brain starts learning how to feel good when you eat healthy food and take exercise instead. Slimpod helps you lose weight without depriving yourself and does what diets can’t.

"The focus is on changing your behaviour towards food and importantly, taking the emotion out of eating. By empowering you to control what you eat and motivating you to be more active, you lose weight without even having to think about it.” Laura-Beth says: “I’m feeling great - far more positive, confident and healthier. I don’t get out of breath any more and don’t worry about not fitting in my uniform.

"I also exercise three times a week and love it - I’d prefer to be exercising than eating now! I know the weight will stay off, because my new eating and exercise habits are here to stay - they’ve become automatic.” The project Laura-Beth took part in saw 100 hospital staff from Tameside Hospital take part in a 12 week challenge, the aim of which was to help them lose weight.

As well as following the Slimpod programme, staff enjoyed healthy menu choices made available in the hospital restaurant. The programme was a huge success. 87% of participants lost weight while listening to the Slimpod over the three-month project and 90% reported behavioural change and said that they had reduced snacking, with most of those having lost interest in sugar completely.

Before using Slimpod this is what Laura-Beth used to eat on a typical day:

  • Breakfast - cereal or toast with jame
  • Lunch - would be starving and just grab a sandwich or some bread
  • Dinner - usually pizza or spaghetti bolognaise
  • Sugar consumption - a big chocolate bar every day and hidden sugars in the food. Chocolate was a huge problem.

This is what Laura-Beth eats on a typical day now:

  • Breakfast - scambled egg/banana and fruit
  • Lunch - tuna, chicken, salon or cottage cheese salad.
  • Dinner - homemade pizza but made from a wrap. Puts loads of veg and tuna etc on it
  • How to Lose Weight Well is on Channel 4 tonight, January 14, on Channel 4
  • For more information on Slimpod, visit

Amanda Killelea

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