Chinese spy targets UK officials on LinkedIn by offering cash for state secrets

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The Chinese spy operated under an alias and used LinkedIn to contact their targets (stock image) (Image: Getty Images)
The Chinese spy operated under an alias and used LinkedIn to contact their targets (stock image) (Image: Getty Images)

A "pushy" Chinese spy has been targeting UK officials on the networking platform LinkedIn, trying to nab state secrets in exchange for cash or trips to China.

The intelligence officer, who went by a number of aliases but mostly Robin Zhang, preyed on British security officials, civil servants, scientists and academics who had access to classified information or commercially sensitive technology.

Zhang would try and get state secrets in return for large sums of money and business deals.

For years he targeted the UK, working all from behind a desk likely in Beijing, and he is thought to be one of the most prolific spies trying to hurt the British state in a generation. In a desperate attempt to back up his deception, Zhang created fake security companies and websites so he would look more authentic. The spy even claimed to have been educated at a leading London university, The Times reported.

Zhang's modus operandi was trying to build relationships with officials who worked in sensitive areas - like science and technology, politics and the military. One recruitment consultant was offered £8,000 every time they handed over details of a candidate from the intelligence services. Similarly, a former military intelligence official was offered huge sums of cash for spilling the beans on how the country’s counterterrorism network functioned.

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Other targets were promised all-expense paid for trips to China, or a slot on lucrative conference circuits. The Times did not publish Zhang’s real identity because it would place western spies at risk. But it said his main pseudonyms were Zhang, Eric Chen Yixi, Robin Cao, Lincoln Lam, John Lee and Eric Kim.

He used generic stock images on his profiles, or images of entirely innocent people, and claimed to be linked to a Shanghai based security company. Zhang was described as “pushy and unprofessional” by one target, but it was reported that his methods found success due to the industrial scale on which he operated.

He would use a generic introductory message before offering money for a report, or extend an invitation for a trip, or other business opportunity. Then he would reportedly move his conversations to Chinese messaging and social media service WeChat, to introduce the target to other consultants at his company - said to be his colleagues or other aliases.

Philip Ingram was one of Zhang’s targets. His expertise includes specialist cyber intelligence work and knowledge of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons. Five years ago he accepted a LinkedIn request from ‘Robin’ who then asked him to write a report on British counter-terrorism network. Alarm bells initially rang and he became more suspicious when ‘Robin’ asked for information "that isn’t easily accessible to anyone”. After being invited to China, Mr Ingram reportedly cut off all contact.

‘Ken’, one of Zhang’s colleagues, targeted a western security official, and paid in cash and physical gifts for giving information on a series of topics. They were under the impression that ‘Ken’ couldn’t leave China or was unable to travel. One former diplomat compared the espionage methods to “fishing trawl” with a net where you throw it out and see what you catch.

Security Minister Tom Tugendhat said: “We know that Chinese Intelligence use LinkedIn and other social media sites to target British citizens. It’s not just government employees who need to exercise caution – it’s businesses with commercially sensitive information, as well as researchers and academics too.

“We’re taking action to disrupt and deter these threats. Our new National Security Act has put our espionage laws back on the front foot, and MI5 are helping people understand the hallmarks of fake profiles used by foreign spies and other malicious actors through their Think Before You Link campaign.”

A spokesperson for LinkedIn said: “Creating a fake account is a clear violation of our terms of service. Our Threat Prevention & Defence team actively seeks out signs of state-sponsored activity and removes fake accounts using information we uncover and intelligence from a variety of sources, including government agencies. Our Transparency Report details the actions that we take to keep LinkedIn a safe place where real people can connect with professionals they know and trust.”

Kieren Williams

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