Terrified beautician forced to close salon after spotting 'ghost family' on CCTV

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Tyler Chorley says he will not go back to his salon until it is cleansed (Image: Kennedy News and Media)
Tyler Chorley says he will not go back to his salon until it is cleansed (Image: Kennedy News and Media)

A petrified beautician fled his salon and is refusing to work there until it's 'cleansed' by paranormal investigators - after CCTV captured 'a ghost family who died in a fire' lurking inside.

Tyler Chorley checked his motion-activated camera at TJC & BLC Aesthetics in Spring View, Wigan, Greater Manchester, on June 28 to spot 'see-through figures' he can't forget. The 32-year-old's screenshots show outlines of what he believes to be the spirits of a parent and their baby - with the shelving of his salon visible through the supposed child's ghostly head.

Hours later he told co-owner and partner Brodie Chorley he won't work in the salon again and leased a new building just five minutes down the road instead. The pair have since become too scared to work at their old venue or even move equipment and stock out of there - but they still have to pay £800 rent per month.

Terrified beautician forced to close salon after spotting 'ghost family' on CCTV qhiddrituiqrtinvThe 'figures' captured on CCTV (Kennedy News and Media)
Terrified beautician forced to close salon after spotting 'ghost family' on CCTVTyler was left terrified after the discovery (Kennedy News and Media)

Tyler admits their business has lost more than £10,000 through rent and lost custom since the closure and he fears people think their previously 'expanding' business is failing. Desperate Tyler posted the images on Facebook on Thursday evening [August 17] to plead for help from anyone who can deal with spirits and he's since requested someone 'cleanses' the building and burn sage in there.

His appeal earned more than 250 likes, shares and comments by the next day, with 'freaked-out' users convinced they can see the figures too. The beauty practitioner and tutor claims he's researched the history of his salon to reveal it used to be a terraced house where a mum and baby died in a house fire.

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Tyler, from Wigan, Greater Manchester, said: "All I see when I close my eyes is the mum, dad, little boy and the little girl in that CCTV footage. At first I assumed the notifications were cars going past but when it said humanoid I checked the camera and saw a figure.

"The next time I got a notification I saw the baby at the bottom and it's clear as day. It's crazy. At the back you see the dad stood at the back then the mum sat down and the baby on her knee.

"When I saw them I was freaked out. I showed people I work with and they saw straight away. It's as bright as day. We did some research and found a picture of the people who used to live there. It's exactly like the family on the camera.

"The next day I gave the keys to my partner and told him it's my last day there and that I'd be going to work at the other shop. I'm very sceptical of this sort of thing but now I've seen it with my own eyes and it's happened to me. I'm not sceptical anymore.

"I've lost a lot of business because all my clientele is around that area. More than £10,000. It's just too much anxiety for me. I don't want to be there. We're paying £800 per month on rent just to have the shutters down. We're too scared to work in there.

"It's making our business look like it's failing - people are asking why our shop is closed. Everything in the shop is just lying in there at the minute. I've got an £8,500 machine in there lying around. I can stay in there for five or ten minutes then I have to leave.

"We're not making any profit because any money we get we're spending on rent, so I'm waking up to work and pay rent on a shop that isn't open. I want someone to come and cleanse the house. I bought sage this morning [Friday, August 18] but I'm petrified of going in myself."

Tyler, who only opened the salon in January, says he's experienced a box being 'thrown across the room' and a neon sign being moved while he was out. He couldn't retrieve the video footage from his CCTV camera due to the time passed since it was taken, but he did take screenshots at the time [10.05pm].

Brodie was sceptical when Tyler told him of the incident but he says 'the hairs on his arms stood up' when he showed him the images. He posted them to Facebook after being urged by students from his salon academy on Thursday and claims he's since been inundated with messages from ghost hunters keen to check out the building.

The pair are currently paying £850 to rent out a second building in Ashton-in-Makerfield, Wigan, and use that for their procedures and teaching. His Facebook post said: "Didn't really want to put this but it's bugging me. Like really bugging me. Do we have any spirit people on my Facebook?

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"Someone that can come out to my clinic and spend a good few hours there. You definitely will feel energy if you're into this. Cut a long story short My CCTV went off. 'Motion detected'. I've just put that down to the reflections of the cars driving past.

"Anyway, then I see 'human detected' in the training room. This is at 10:05pm or around that time. I Google what that is and it says a humanoid is an outline of a figure. I then get a notification again to say humanoid detected in the training room.

"I open the app on my phone, and f**k me there's a figure in the wall. if you look further down you see clear as day a baby then you can kind of figure it out it's a family! I Googled my shop! (It's an old terrace house) A FAMILY DIED IN A HOUSE FIRE.

"Tell me I'm not losing my mind and you guys can see what I can see! The last photo is the one with the baby in it! Can see the baby has a cardigan on and looks like a white tie."

One commented: "You can 100% see the figures and a little toddler." A second said: "That is absolutely madness. No way."

A third tried to reassure Tyler and said: "Don't be freaked out. I'm a strong believer in spirits and presence in buildings and homes. But I also believe that they are not there to hurt you or anyone else. If they were, they would have done it by now."

One user tagged a paranormal investigator and Tyler replied to say: "I'm happy to let any investigator go in and see if they can feel anything."

Adam Wareing

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