Lesbian couple 'harassed' for kissing at theatre and 'told to move to the back'

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Tori Alexander (right) and girlfriend Tia Willey (Image: Tori Alexander / SWNS)
Tori Alexander (right) and girlfriend Tia Willey (Image: Tori Alexander / SWNS)

A lesbian couple were left outraged after being harassed for kissing at a theatre.

Tori Alexander, 21, took her girlfriend, Tia Willey, 24, to see a show at the Playhouse, in Weston-super-Mare. As a birthday present to Tia, Tori took her to see ‘Cirque The Greatest Show’ on August 8.

It should have been a lovely day out for the couple, and as they took their seats in Row B, Tia kissed Tori and said thank you for the present. However they were immediately told by a couple behind them to “stop kissing” because it was “unacceptable behaviour”.

Tori told the couple they were free to kiss their own partner - only to be told it was "different between a man and a woman". But she was left aghast at what she blasted as “homophobia”. The women claim that when they complained to staff they were told they could move to seats in the back instead of dealing with it.

Lesbian couple 'harassed' for kissing at theatre and 'told to move to the back' eiqruidqriedinvThe couple were left aghast at the 'homophobia' they faced (Tori Alexander / SWNS)

Tori said: "As we took our seats Tia said thank you for the birthday present and gave me a peck on the lips. It wasn't any more than that as we don't really do PDA. The couple behind me then tapped me on the shoulder and when I turned around the woman was wiggling her finger in my face. She told me we should not kiss because it was unacceptable behaviour in the theatre.

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"I told her we weren't doing anything inappropriate and that she was free to kiss her partner too. Then she told me it was different between a man and a woman. That made me realise it wasn't about us kissing. It was homophobia."

Tori then went to find a member of staff who brought the incident to his manager's attention. But when they told her, Tori was simply informed her and Tia could move back to row J where they keep two reserved seats in case “there’s a problem”.

The manager allegedly told Tori she could not move the couple behind them as "they had paid for those seats". When the manager went to speak to the couple, Tori said that they did not deny the accusations and added that they didn't "want it shoved in their faces".

Lesbian couple 'harassed' for kissing at theatre and 'told to move to the back'Another couple offered to swap seats with them to get them away from the people sat behind them (Tori Alexander / SWNS)

Tori said: "They admitted to saying those hateful things and then were homophobic in front of the manager as well. But we were told we would either have to move back to row J or sit in front of this couple and feel uncomfortable. We felt like if we stayed there we couldn't hold hands or enjoy the show."

Thankfully, another couple from across the aisle swapped seats with Tia and Tori. Upon finding the manager at the end of the show and contacting upper management, Tori says she did not receive an apology and was only offered a free show and refreshments.

She added: "Throughout the show we didn't feel safe. I sat there for the first half crying and we felt like the couple were watching us. They should have told the homophobic couple that they would have to move or they could leave and receive a refund.

"When I emailed the management they took no responsibility and told me they were fully committed to the LGBT community. It's clearly not true. I want them to be held accountable, issue an apology and train their staff better so members of the LGBT community are safe there."

Tony Doherty, Managing Director of Parkwood Theatres said: "We are not aware that Tori Alexander has made any claims that she was harassed by our staff, however there was an incident at The Playhouse in which Tori has alleged that she was harassed by other audience members. Playhouse staff did not witness or hear the incident, which they were alerted to after it had already taken place. Staff had to resolve the issue in an acutely short time period as the curtain was about to go up on that evening's performance with a full house in attendance.

"In those circumstances they attempted to the best of their ability to initially defuse the situation by offering alternative seating to all involved. Parkwood Theatres are committed to eliminating inequality and discrimination as well as promoting a diverse and inclusive working environment for all."

Athena Stavrou

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