'Boyfriend took DNA test for fun - but it's now destroying our relationship'

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'Boyfriend took DNA test for fun - but it's now destroying our relationship'

A woman has been left heartbroken after her boyfriend changed into a 'completely different person' after taking a DNA kit. She explained how her boyfriend was gifted a DNA testing kit for his birthday - and decided to take it for a laugh despite his initial reservations.

But as soon as his results came through, he started acting like he was better than her - all because he has royalty in his bloodline. Taking to Reddit, the girlfriend said: "A few days after seeing his results, which were nothing special, about 95 percent European and mostly just from England, he really excitedly told me that he'd been messaged by a group of people about a shared relative.

"Apparently all of them have an ancestor in common (my boyfriend's great (x10) grandfather that can be linked to royal lineage. I was pleased and a bit amused that my boyfriend was so happy, especially since he seemed to be telling every single person he knows and he posted on Facebook about it.

"However since then I've noticed some uncomfortable behaviours from him that is making me second guess our relationship." But things started taking a turn after he quit his accountant job, claiming the "9 to 5 life isn't right for him". The 27-year-old also asked her to order her own DNA kit so he could compare their ancestry.

'Boyfriend took DNA test for fun - but it's now destroying our relationship' eiqetiquqirkinvShe doesn't know how to handle the situation (stock photo) (Getty Images)

"He has suddenly started insisted on using condoms when we have sex," she added. We have been together three years and my birth control (the copper coil) has never been an issue for him before. My boyfriend has started saying it is not good enough as a form of contraceptive by itself, which would be fine, except he has started making a few comments alongside this about how I'm trying to 'steal his genes' and implying that I want his bloodline.

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"He won't kiss me in public anymore or touch me at all around his family, which he has explained by saying he doesn't like PDA anymore and it's embarrassing. He is fine touching me when we're alone however." Taken back by his reaction to his results, the woman admits their relationship has become strained ever since he took the test.

She asked Reddit users: "We've generally had a really good relationship before now and there have never been any major communication issues or anything like that. I'm really confused as to what's going through his mind right now and I could use some advice."

In response, one user said: "Is he expecting a title and estate to be granted his way too? Maybe that’s why the condoms. Don’t want to pay child support when you are a Duke or something. Sounds a bit childish for a 27-year-old."

Another user added: "Sounds like this info might have triggered some sort of manic episode or similar. No one leaves a well paid professional job on a whim without something else going on. I'd get him to talk to a therapist about this new identity he seems to have picked up."

A third user said: "I think the best way to respond to this stupidity is with stupidity. Order a title online. They are all over the internet and cost about £20 for a piece of land in Scotland. Once you receive it, tell him his distant lineage isn’t good enough for your ladyship and everything needs to go back to normal. In all seriousness if your not trolling, he might need help with a manic episode. A sudden onset of erratic behaviour probably isn’t a normal sign."

Paige Freshwater

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