Has Nicola Sturgeon done a good job as Scotland's First Minister? You voted

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First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in her study at Bute House in Edinburgh after she announced last week that she will stand down as First Minister of Scotland after eight years. (Image: Jane Barlow/PA Wire)
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon in her study at Bute House in Edinburgh after she announced last week that she will stand down as First Minister of Scotland after eight years. (Image: Jane Barlow/PA Wire)

Nicola Sturgeon has not done a good job as Scotland's First Minister, according to most Mirror readers.

In our poll, 508 of you had no time for her leadership, while 324 thought she'd done well. Twenty five of you simply weren't sure about her tenure.

Her resignation last week came as a shock to many, but the SNP leader's popularity had plummeted in recent times, with a recent poll finding four in ten voters actively wanted her to quit.

Rising to power unopposed after the ill-fated independence referendum in 2014, the SNP leader admitted the top job "takes its toll on you and all around you".

But she also said it "sustained and inspired me in good times and in the toughest hours of my toughest days".

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She will leave office as the longest serving and first female first minister since the creation of the Scottish Parliament - but will not see her dream of independence come to fruition under her leadership.

The 52-year-old has been mired in controversy in recent months as her Government sought to push through gender reforms, only for them to be blocked in Westminster.

She also whipped up a storm by claiming the next General Election would be a 'de facto' referendum on independence.

Ms Sturgeon, who took over from Alex Salmond, said her decision to bow out wasn't a reaction to 'short term pressures', saying she feared her polarising figure may be holding back the battle for independence.

Many of you commented on our story, here's a flavour of just some of the responses:

'She's done a bad job'

Bcfc2022: 'The Dragon has finally left. Scotland in ruins ... Education, NHS ... I only ever heard two words come out of her mouth - 'Brexit' and Independence' ... she has left those in ruins, too'.

Marcwebbo50: 'She did not do a good job.. She was just after the 'glory' of Scotland to be independent - and thankfully she failed.. Our economy, NHS, education and public services have suffered in the hands of the SNP. Hopefully an election will be called and we can get rid of the rest of the SNP wasters.'

Quiffy: 'No, I do not think she did a good job'.

Lardylumpkin: 'This woman tried and failed to stir a hornets' nest. The people of Scotland should rejoice'.

Thepizzaguystruth: 'NHS Scotland - failed; Police Scotland - failed; Education in Scotland - failed; Justice system in Scotland - failed; Social care in Scotland - failed; Independence - failed. What a legacy to leave'.

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'She's done a good job'

Martin126: 'A message to Nicola Sturgeon: You’ve been a fantastic leader for Scotland, so if you’re struggling to look for a job please come down to Westminster and sort our government out'.

HughGentry: 'For anyone with an interest in politics, a reasonable IQ and resistance to Tory propaganda, she has acquitted herself with intelligence, wit and integrity. That she is resigning of her own accord in order to put Scotland's interests before her own is typical of the exemplary example she has shown that is so absent in the crooks in Westminster'.

Parcel Of Rogue: 'Sturgeon was excellent on leadership and politics but the SNP were never interested in administering the country and were no good at it. Their support will slump'.

Gerryiam: 'Brilliant leader'.

BillOBrien: 'She had spine, she had courage and eventually she ran out of petrol. Scotland must be a free country and not glued to the archaic Old Blighty which is sinking from its power days of the British Empire, dead and gone'.

Have you got a different opinion? Let us know in the comments

Paul Speed

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