New law promises to protect families after Awaab Ishak and Grenfell fire deaths

27 June 2023 , 20:02
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Awaab Ishak died just over a week after his second birthday (Image: MEN Media)
Awaab Ishak died just over a week after his second birthday (Image: MEN Media)

A move to strengthen social housing rules in the wake of tragedies such as the Grenfell Tower fire and the death of a toddler from exposure to mould in his family's flat is poised to become law.

Ministers said the Social Housing (Regulation) Bill represents the most significant reform of the sector in more than a decade.

The legislation, which has already been through the Commons, will receive royal assent after clearing the Lords.

Government changes to the Bill include Awaab's law, which requires landlords to fix reported hazards in social housing, such as mould, in a "timely fashion" or rehouse tenants in safe accommodation.

It followed the death of two-year-old Awaab Ishak, who died in December 2020 from a respiratory condition caused by prolonged exposure to mould in his home.

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Other changes to the Bill include requiring social housing managers to have professional qualifications.

New law promises to protect families after Awaab Ishak and Grenfell fire deathsDamp and mould inside Awaab Ishak’s home (MEN Media)

This had been called for by Tory former prime minister Theresa May and Grenfell United, a group of survivors and bereaved relatives of the victims of the tower block blaze that claimed 72 lives in 2017.

Other measures give the social housing watchdog more teeth, including new powers to issue unlimited fines to landlords who fail to meet standards.

Communities minister Baroness Scott of Bybrook said: "This legislation seeks to drive the change that we know is so desperately needed in the social rented sector.

New law promises to protect families after Awaab Ishak and Grenfell fire deathsPeople remember the lives lost at the Grenfell wall (ANDY RAIN/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock)

"It is vital that everyone learns from the mistakes that led to the Grenfell Tower tragedy, and the Bill will ensure that social housing tenants receive the protection and respect that they deserve.

"The Grenfell community's tireless campaigning will leave a legacy of real change to social housing in this country."

She added: "The need to drive up the quality of social housing and rebalance the relationship between tenants and landlords was also thrown into sharp relief by the tragic death of Awaab Ishak.

New law promises to protect families after Awaab Ishak and Grenfell fire deathsA sign with 'Grenfell Forever In Our Hearts' is displayed on the top of Grenfell Tower (Getty Images)

"I know that Awaab's father is watching today, and I know that I speak for all of us when I say that my thoughts remain with the Ishak family.

"This law will make a real difference to people's lives, and I hope that it brings some degree of comfort to all those who knew and loved Awaab."

The minister told peers: "The Social Housing (Regulation) Bill will bring about the most significant reforms to social housing regulation in over a decade and this Bill is now ready to proceed to the statute book."

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