'Now evict Boris Johnson from the Privy Council - he's not right or honourable'

23 June 2023 , 11:35
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If you think he won
If you think he won't wield the power you left him with, you're deluded

If you had to make Boris Johnson swear an oath, one to which you would be sure he would stick to for life, would it be:

A) "You will, in all things... faithfully and truly declare your mind and opinion, according to your heart and conscience."


B) "You will behave, or by Almighty God we'll chop your wanger into tiny pieces and feed it to you."

The chances are, dear Reader, that both Johnson and you would have more faith in the latter promise being kept than the former, not least because neither he nor you have any idea where his conscience is, or what it might look like.

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'Now evict Boris Johnson from the Privy Council - he's not right or honourable'"Conscience? Con shunts? Shorn cu... no. I give up, ask me another" (Getty Images)

Yet it is the former promise Johnson is being held to, as a lifelong member of the Privy Council, a position which grants him the right of guaranteed access to the Sovereign, the right to be consulted about wars, and the right to regulate the civil service.

I suspect he would not avail himself of the ability to hear judicial appeals from farflung reaches of the former Empire, nor to the humdrum business of granting statutes to livery companies or churchyards.

And as the work of the Privy Council is, in practice, done by a few people and usually at the invitation of the sitting Prime Minister, the chances of Rishi Sunak or Keir Starmer inviting the blond bombast to do anything more important than count the spoons is next to non-existent.

But as a member of the Privy Council he does have, and will retain, the ability to be called The Right Honourable Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson until the day he dies and that, even he must realise, is an abomination of the highest order.

'Now evict Boris Johnson from the Privy Council - he's not right or honourable'There's only one person who doesn't mind (Getty Images)

There are people on the Privy Council who have never been right about anything, like Liz Truss, and others so dishonourable they are called Tony Blair.

But the vast majority of counsellors are politicians, and we could argue all day about what they did right or wrong. There's no argument left about Johnson: he broke the law, he lied to Parliament, he lied about the lies he told, and is still lying that the lying he did about the lies is another lie from someone else, who he had earlier insisted investigate his lies.

The oath he gave, on becoming a minister and joining the Privy Council, has been broken repeatedly. He did not faithfully and truly advise the Queen about proroguing Parliament. He did not "keep secret all matters committed and revealed unto you", because he told his spin quack Guto Harri about private conversations with the then-Prince Charles.

He did not, to his "uttermost, bear faith and allegiance unto the King's Majesty" when he told him not to make a speech about slavery which was very well-received. Nor has he assisted and defended "all jurisdictions, pre-eminences and authorities", but rather attempted to destroy faith in every institution which keeps the British State on the road.

'Now evict Boris Johnson from the Privy Council - he's not right or honourable'"Didn't I do well? You probably doubt the Privy Council exists now!" (AP)

Yet when Penny Mordaunt, who as Lord President is technically in charge of running the Privy Council, was asked whether she would evict him following the privileges committee's recommendation he be treated like the shambolic supply teacher he is, she replied: "Where people have been booted off the Privy Council before, the threshold for that is much higher... For example, someone having committed financial fraud. " She went on: "The integrity in all of these systems is very important, but I don’t think this is an appropriate course of action in this instance.”

The Sovereign can defenestrate a counsellor, on advice of a Prime Minister. In 2011 former Labour MP Elliot Morley was expelled after being convicted of fraud in the expenses scandal. His colleague Denis McShane resigned two years later, shortly before his own conviction on similar charges. In 1921 Sir Edgar Speyer was removed over collaborating with the Germans during the First World War, while

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John Profumo, and Jonathan Aitken, all resigned before they were pushed.

Having glass of fizz in lockdown isn't a patch on their offences. But "damaging a generation of children", as the Covid inquiry has heard, with lockdowns that came too late and lasted too long, is surely worse than lying about points on your licence. Holding secret meetings with the sons of KGB agents or taking dodgy Russian money or overlooking Russian interference with a democratic vote or, as Foreign Secretary, doing very little beyond words to punish Vladimir Putin for using nerve agents in Wiltshire are all, surely, adjacent to wartime collaboration, and a clear breach of the council's oath to protect the Crown against "Foreign Princes".

As for diverting taxpayer cash to the big-boobed blonde you're boinking: that's just another way of being on the fiddle.

The Privy Council is not unimportant. It is a committee which advises the monarch, and the Cabinet which actually runs the country is simply one of its sub-committees. Remaining on it means Johnson remains a statesman, and one of our worst at that.

It also provides him with opportunity to shape our history. In the 1960s, it was the Privy Council that evicted the Chagos islanders - who were British subjects, but the brown sort - from their home to create a military base. In 2004, it was the Privy Council that overturned a High Court ruling they be allowed to return, a judgement which has been allowed to stand to this day.

Until he is evicted from the Privy Council, Johnson will have a hold on unelected, unaccountable power. Even utterly disgraced, he will have more rights than most of the country, more even than most MPs. If our way through the risks attached to that is to hope that a power-hungry narcissist doesn't bother to wield them, then I humbly suggest, m'lord, this whole country is in a vegetative state.

Unless this man is winkled out of every nook and crevice of public life, he will continue to corrupt it, a dingleberry that shames the body politic. And that's not just me saying honestly what's on my mind - in your heart and conscience, you know it too.

Fleet Street Fox

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