All news on the topic: World War I

War of attrition: Russia-Ukraine conflict escalates into a new phase
The recent Russian setback in Kharkiv marks the start of another period of stalemate in the Russia-Ukraine war.
Pub where Black Sabbath played first gig given Grade-II listed status
The Crown Inn, in Birmingham city centre, hosted local bands which went on to become household names including Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and UB40. There have been fears for the building’s future as it has laid vacant since 2014
Wreckage of cargo ship sunk by German U-boat in WWI found at bottom of Irish Sea
The wreck of the SS Hartdale was discovered after historians used new techniques alongside old fashioned detective work to find its final resting place at the bottom of the Irish Sea
100 years of the Good Housekeeping Institute's rigorous tests
Founded a century ago, the Good Housekeeping Institute's state-of-the-art testing has been evaluating consumer products to see if they meet high standards - though the sometimes the tests are unorthodox
Victoria Cross awarded WW1 hero killed in battle could fetch £220k
Lieutenant-Commander Edgar Cookson while trying to force his way through enemy lines in Iraq during World War One. He was awarded the Victoria Cross which is now up for auction
Grandad finds unexploded WW1 bomb while on treasure hunt with grandson
Joey McGimpsey took a metal detector out to a park in Cwmavon, near Port Talbot in Wales and ended up having to report his discovery to the police - but his grandson Noah was impressed
Beautiful village that's home to celebs was set for show featuring comedy stars
The beautiful English village was the backdrop for a Sky 1 comedy series starring Simon Bird and Joe Thomas from The Inbetweeners. The show was set during the First World War
Lost UK airfield that was once home to flying circus and war hero pilot
An unassuming UK meadow was once the scene of James Radley making his first flight on April 19, 1910 - lasting 23 minutes as he made 16 circuits over crowds of adoring spectators
What WW3 could look like in modern Britain - 'rations, curfews and forced camps'
As Vladimir Putin discusses the deciding factor in Russia invading more of Europe, the Mirror spoke to a world affairs expert about what modern-day war could look like in Britain
Conscription poll shows areas where young most likely to refuse to fight - list
Polling by More in Common found just a quarter of people under-45 would sign up to fight in the military if conscription was brought back amid calls for a 'Citizen Army'
Should women be conscripted in the event of a world war? Take our poll
A national poll has found that a huge majority of the public are in favour of women being conscripted should a world war break out. So we thought we'd ask Mirror readers what they think
Amazing postman reunites families with relatives long lost war medals
Postman Adam Simpson-York buys World War 1 medals on eBay and then tracks the families of the soldiers they belong to via genealogy websites
'World's humblest Christmas tree' bought for 6p in 1920 sells for £3.4k
The unassuming tree has seen 94 Christmases and has now been lovingly rehomed at the staggering sum of £3,400 after it was first purchased in the aftermath of the First World War
Horse from rare breed loved by Queen dies after well-meaning stranger's mistake
WARNING - UPSETTING IMAGE: The Cleveland Bay breed was saved from extinction by the late Queen and now one has been found lying dead in a field in Wales after someone fed the animal through the fence
King Charles leads Remembrance Sunday service - latest updates
Almost 10,000 veterans and 800 members of the forces from the army, navy and air force marched past the Cenotaph, after Royals were seen laying wreaths at the base of the monument alongside politicians and dignitaries
The reason why we have Armistice Day and how it's different to Remembrance Day
Many might have noticed poppies, sold as part of the yearly appeal for veterans charity the British Legion, being pinned on to jackets lapels as a form of respect and support for the armed services
All we know about the Cenotaph at the centre of the Remembrance Sunday service
King Charles and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak will be joined by thousands of veterans who make the annual pilgrimage to central London to pay their respect
Pro-Palestine protesters demanding ceasfire in Gaza hold sit-in at museum
Police are reportedly on the scene and nobody else is being permitted to enter the gallery in Glasgow's West End. Footage shared on Twitter shows a group sitting in the main entrance hall
Cops to form 'ring of steel' for London Pro-Palestine protest on Armistice Day
An additional 1,000 Met Police cops have been called in to fence in the pro-Palestine protests on Saturday, which is Armistice Day when Brits remember the fallen war dead on the anniversary of the end of the First World War
'Many more lives could have been saved had Covid inquiry been held sooner'
For the bereaved families, the last few days of evidence have been harrowing - these horrifying revelations have been the equivalent of a political Partygate
Remembrance Day poppies undergo dramatic green redesign for first time 28 years
The Royal British Legion has been working with scientists at University College London for three years to develop the new style of flower to commemorate our war dead
How a simple TikTok breathing test can detect if you have 'military-grade lungs'
Navy SEAL exercises include lying down in a pool of water after knots have been tied in their breathing regulator. It forces them to stay calm with very little oxygen while untying knots to be released
Meghan and Harry's sweet tribute to Diana you might have missed during wedding
Meghan and Harry paid a sweet tribute to Princess Diana on their wedding day through the flowers they selected to show off to the UK audience watching on at home
Israeli 'settler' filmed shooting unarmed Palestinian at point-blank range
WARNING, DISTRESSING CONTENT: Video has emerged that appears to show a Palestinian man being shot by a gunman – understood to be an Israeli settler – who is then manhandled away by alleged Israeli Defence Force soldiers
Unusual reason the United States tried to change the name of French fries
With the beginning of the Iraq War in 2003 came another change in America - a move to rename one of the country's favourite sides all because of France's position on the US-led invasion