Great White sharks lunge at boat with Brit tourists on board in terrifting video

31 May 2023 , 14:25
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Great White sharks lunge at boat with Brit tourists on board in terrifting video
Great White sharks lunge at boat with Brit tourists on board in terrifting video

Photos have been released of the moment a shark lunged at a boat with tourists, including Brits, onboard.

The incredible video shows a ten-foot Great White shark chomping down with its teeth on show less than six feet from a videographer.

Another terrifying image shows a Great White shark coming right up to the shark cage, in the 32-foot deep water, next to Klein Brak Beach, in South Africa.

Videographer and Dive Crew Mark Graham from Preston, England captured these ferocious images and video of Great White sharks in Klein Brak, Mossel Bay, South Africa.

Mark captured this content using a GoPro while being in a shark cage and from their boat.

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Mark was guiding a tour to dive with Great White sharks 30 minutes from the Mossel Bay harbour, which lasted around four hours.

Great White sharks lunge at boat with Brit tourists on board in terrifting videoGreat White shark coming right up to the shark cage, in the 32-foot deep water (mediadrumimages/White Shark Ocean)

The group got to experience diving with Great White Sharks close-up while being in a cage, instructed by Mark.

While there, Mark encountered four Great White sharks circling the boat and coming up to those in the cage, curious about the encounter.

Mark was still able to capture intense and terrifying images and videos of the sharks opening their jaws and coming as close as six feet.

Although sharks have a generally ferocious and dangerous reputation, Mark works hard to expel these stereotypes as he has always found them fascinating and less dangerous than humans.

“I think humans have an instinctive fear of what they can’t see and don’t understand,” he said.

“I think the mainstream media has a big part to play in perpetuating and exaggerating negative stories about shark encounters.

“I don’t think the reputation is justified, with more and more people using the ocean every year with only five fatal shark attacks in 2022, whilst humans kill over 11,000 sharks an hour.

“Sharks are just sharks, they’re animals they’re not monsters, learn to appreciate them for what they are, not what you think they are and what they are important for, not how you feel about them.

Great White sharks lunge at boat with Brit tourists on board in terrifting videoMark captured this content using a GoPro while being in a shark cage (mediadrumimages/White Shark Ocean)

“If you get the chance to see them in the wild go and see them, I guarantee your perception will change.

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“I feel a sense of excitement every time I see a Great White shark.

“The sharks come right up to the boat, often investigating people in the cage in a curious manner figuring out what they are.

“This particular shark was maybe six to nine feet from the boat.”

Rachel Hagan

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