All news by author: Rachel Hagan

Married police inspector keeps job after having sex on duty with colleague
Inspector Darren Lane, who has been a police officer for 23 years, placed his radio on the bedside table while having "full sex" with a colleague at her home but has been able to retain his job
Headteacher was sacked for 'tapping her son's hand' in her office
Shelly-Ann Malabver-Goulbourne was trying to get her three-year-old to stop playing with a bottle of hand sanitiser in her office when she used two fingers to attract his attention, leading to an employee accusing her of assault
Teens guilty of murder after 16-year-old killed with zombie knife at house party
Mikey Roynon, from Bristol, was stabbed in the neck during a row at a house in Bath last year and three boys have now been found guilty of his murder with a large zombie knife
Man spends five days in chair at 'warzone' Welsh hospital
A Welsh man slept in the same chair from Saturday to Tuesday and was moved to another "slightly comfier" chair on Tuesday night after he was admitted with a potentially serious condition
Measles outbreak sparks further 83 cases in UK
Measles cases have been rising since late 2023, with clusters in several regions, including the West Midlands, the North West and London, but have severely ratcheted up in the last few months
Two arrested in poisoning inquiry after grandad dies in quiet village
Police were called by the ambulance service to report that two men in their 50s were unwell at a property in Norfolk and two men have since been arrested on suspicion of poisoning
Jeremy Hunt attacks Ed Davey for missing a PMQs to look after his disabled son
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is in hot water for the second time today as he attacked Liberal Democrats leader Ed Davey for missing a Prime Minister Questions to look after his disabled son
Jeremy Hunt slammed for fat jibe dubbed 'worst joke in Budget Day history'
In the House of Commons, Jeremy Hunt brought up comments by Labour peer Peter Mandelson who said Keir Starmer could "shed a few pounds"
Food poisoning ‘Russian roulette’ as more Brits in hospital for three illnesses
Admissions for salmonella infections reached 1,468 in England between April 2022 and March 2023, NHS data shows because of weakening regulatory procedures, changes to importation checks post-Brexit and local authority cuts
Army backtracks over Princess Kate announcement after Kensington Palace steps in
Tickets were being sold on the official website for the military spectacle, advertising an appearance of the Princess of Wales with a picture of her on the website despite no mention from Kensington Palace
MH370 passengers 'may have died in murder-suicide plot' after chilling message
Investigators still do not know exactly what happened to the MH370 plane and its 239 passengers after the plane disappeared from air control radar 39 minutes after leaving Kuala Lumpur en route to Beijing in 2014
Duke of Edinburgh steadies punchbag for young boxer on Royal engagement
The Duke of Edinburgh was joined by the Duchess of Edinburgh on a Royal engagement in Stafford at a boxing ring, as he stepped up to help the family amid absences
Vladimir Putin in wild plans with China to build nuclear power plant on the Moon
The head of Russia's space agency Roscosmos spoke today of plans to to deliver and install a nuclear power plant on the moon by 2035 with China
Sarah Everard killer Wayne Couzens gives six-word moan after being arrested
During his police interview after murdering Sarah Everard, Wayne Couzens writhes in his seat as officers ask him how he is feeling to which he replies: "I'm in a dark place"
'Good egg' football manager dies after being 'attacked' in pub car park
Scott Hendy was taken to Southmead Hospital where he later died after he was seriously injured in a Pilning, near Bristol, pub car park as tributes have poured in for the football manager
‘Mini organs’ grown from stem cells of unborn babies for the first time
Miniorgans, or "organoids", are tiny simplified structures that can be used to test new medical treatments or study how the real organs they mimic work, whether they are healthy or diseased
New maps show where and when 545-mile long wall of snow and rain will hit
More snow and rain is set to hit UK, with weather maps revealing exactly where its about to arrive. It comes as England and Wales had their respective warmest Februarys on record
New maps show three dates snow set to hit UK this month as temps plummet
The worst of the wintry weather is expected in the Scottish Highlands on March 5, 6, and 16 while other parts of Scotland could also be affected
Princess of Wales fans saying the same thing as she recovers from surgery
The Princess of Wales, 42, has not been seen publicly since undergoing "planned major abdominal surgery" last month and royal fans have been taking to social media to discuss her whereabouts and privacy
157 flood warnings and alerts issued as heavy rain and fog blanket Britain
Snow blanketed Cumbria, Wiltshire and other parts of the South West at the weekend and Brits in Scotland and parts of southern Wales woke up to an icy -3C this morning
Hunt launched for Brit who vanished on holiday as partner frantic with worry
Brit tourist John Webster, 61, has not been heard from since last Monday evening when he called his partner Kristiane Johnston, while at a bar in Palma, Majorca
Police stop 'inconsiderate and careless' middle lane hogging driver on M60
The driver was slammed in a social media post by the force, who scolded them as an "example of poor driving" for going 45mph in the middle lane
WW2 plane shot down discovered in South Pacific - 80 years after it went missing
The WW2 plane was found last month in the Papua New Guinean jungle by locals a huge 80 years after it went missing, with its pilot and gunner still "missing in action"
Kate and Camilla could get new duty normally for 'blood royals' in huge mix up
Currently, only so-called blood royals hand out honours at investitures but a source has said the royal family may be looking at extending this beyond just the King, the Prince of Wales and Princess Anne
‘Quiet and gentle’ pensioner stabbed to death at London's Tube station
Bernard Fowler, 87, was found on the floor of Harold Wood station suffering "extensive injuries" by a member of staff early on Tuesday morning