Schoolgirl murder suspect asks cops 'what evidence have you got?' before arrest

03 May 2023 , 18:49
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Schoolgirl murder suspect asks cops
Schoolgirl murder suspect asks cops 'what evidence have you got?' before arrest

Footage showing a former neighbour being arrested on suspicion of murdering a seven-year-old girl, 26 years earlier, has been shown to a jury.

David Boyd, 55, is on trial at Newcastle Crown Court where he denies the 1992 murder of Nikki Allan, a girl who lived near him in flats in Hendon, Sunderland.

She was hit over the head with a brick and stabbed multiple times in a derelict building then dragged, while dead or dying, and dumped in a corner of the basement.

A body-worn camera captured the moment Boyd was arrested in April 2018, with two officers visiting his home.

Shirtless Boyd was told that detectives were reinvestigating Nikki's murder and that they suspected he "may have had some involvement".

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Schoolgirl murder suspect asks cops 'what evidence have you got?' before arrestA shirtless Boyd is seen opening the door to police in the footage (PA)

"I've had no involvement in that, like," he replied.

The suspect is put in handcuffs and they discuss which police station he will be taken to and if arrangements can be made to look after his dog.

Later, he asked the two officers: "What evidence have you got, anyway?"

Boyd, aged 25 at the time of the killing, and now of Chesterton Court, Stockton, Teesside, was known to Nikki's family as his then girlfriend was a babysitter for her mother.

The court also heard about his police interviews, in which he denied killing Nikki and said he was shocked to hear of her death, reported ChronicleLive.

Schoolgirl murder suspect asks cops 'what evidence have you got?' before arrestBoyd denies the 1992 murder of Nikki Allan (PA)

Jurors have heard how the seven-year-old was seen "skipping to her death" behind a man who had allegedly lured her away after she was seen waiting for her mum outside a pub.

Witness accounts described Nikki heading toward the derelict Old Exchange building with the man on the night of October 7, 1992, and she was described as appearing "comfortable in the company of her killer".

Piercing screams and unnerving noises were then heard from the area of the building by people who were in the area at the time.

Meanwhile a frantic search had begun for the youngster after her family realised she was missing.

One woman who saw a child skipping to keep up with a man that night helped a police artist draw sketches of the suspect, which have been shown alongside a photograph of Boyd from around the same time.

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Prosecutors say the sketches bear a "striking resemblance" to the accused.

Residents and police spent the night looking for Nikki and the following morning her shoes and coat were found outside the Old Exchange building.

A 16-year-old and his stepdad then made the horrific discovery of the youngster's badly injured body in the corner of a dark room in the basement of the building.

The trial continues.

Tim Hanlon

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