Fears of democratic deficit as 9 million people at risk of losing the vote

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Voters must ensure they are registered to cast a vote (Image: Getty Images)
Voters must ensure they are registered to cast a vote (Image: Getty Images)

Nine million people who have vanished from the electoral roll have just days to ­register to vote, campaigners warn.

Pro-democracy groups are urging people to register by the deadline on Monday in order to vote in local elections on May 4.

Darren Hughes, chief executive of the Electoral Reform Society, said: “Without immediate action, millions could be locked out of democracy if they do not register.”

Official figures show nine million voters have fallen off the electoral roll in 20 years.

According to the Electoral Commission, 25% of Black voters and 24% of Asian voters are not registered. And while 94% of people aged 65 and over are ­registered, just 66% of 18 to 19 year olds are.

'We can all strike back at Rich Rishi Sunak and vote Tories out' qhiqqhidtdiurinv'We can all strike back at Rich Rishi Sunak and vote Tories out'
Fears of democratic deficit as 9 million people at risk of losing the voteNine million voters have fallen off the electoral roll in 20 years (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

The Mirror is campaigning to get a million people to register and to raise awareness of the need for voter ID at the polling station.

New laws coming into force for the local elections in England require people to show identification. Driving licences and passports are valid as are some older people’s travel cards. But a young person’s rail card or Oyster card will not be accepted.

Zara Khan, chair of the British Youth Council, said: “Young people are among the least likely to register to vote. Voter IDs present another barrier to a process we should be working to simplify.”

Rishi Sunak yesterday attempted to defend the controversial ID rules, claiming the policy would help ensure elections are “high-integrity processes”.

* To register visit your local council offices or apply online at gov.uk/register-to-vote.

Serena Richards

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