Family thought their son had growing pains but the 'truth was far worse'

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Harry Budd first began experiencing pain in his leg (Image: Rebecca Budd)
Harry Budd first began experiencing pain in his leg (Image: Rebecca Budd)

A family thought their son had growing pains - but the "truth was far worse" than they imagined.

Harry Budd felt right leg pains and his parents thought it was part of the youngster's growth spurt or a sporting injury.

He stopped playing football and remained at home in an attempt to recover.

Manchester Evening News reports his aches and pains continued, he could no longer walk and his parents knew something was very wrong.

Harry, a fan of Manchester United, from New Mills on the edge of the Peak District, was taken to see a doctor on November 10.

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His appointment came after his family received a phone call from his school saying Harry had been crying in agony.

Family thought their son had growing pains but the 'truth was far worse'He has lengthy treatments ahead of him (Rebecca Budd)
Family thought their son had growing pains but the 'truth was far worse'Harry is a Manchester United superfan (Rebecca Budd)

He was immediately referred to Stepping Hill Hospital for further tests and had an MRI and a CT scan the following day.

The scan results were received six days later and Harry either had cancer or an infection, with a biopsy scheduled for November 30.

Harry spent two weeks in hospital and returned for the results a few days after Christmas.

And the family were given the news everyone had been dreading: a tumour had been found.

Though further tests are needed to confirm his condition, it’s believed the youngster has osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer.

His mum, Rebecca Budd, says the family have been “devastated” by the shock diagnosis.

The 42-year-old mum-of-three said: “As a family, we are absolutely devastated about Harry being diagnosed with bone cancer.

“He’s such a cheeky, happy, sporty little lad, always a smile on his face. It’s just so distressing to see him so ill.

“He had been troubled by pain in his leg, which meant he missed playing in a couple of football matches and training sessions and was really upset about that.

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"You never think that it could ever turn out to be something so serious as cancer.”

Osteosarcoma is the most common type of bone cancer, which mostly affects children and young adults under 20.

The most common symptom is pain in the affected bone, which may initially come and go.

The pain gradually becomes more severe and constant, especially at night, with swelling around the affected bone also expected.

Osteosarcoma is often discovered when a bone that has been weakened by cancer breaks after the person has had a minor fall or accident. Some patients may develop a limp if the tumour is in the leg or pelvis.

These symptoms can be caused by many things other than cancer.

However, any persistent bone pain should be checked by your child’s doctor as symptoms are often attributed to a sporting injury.

There are several different types of osteosarcoma, with most occurring in the centre of the bone. There are also rare subtypes, such as parosteal, periosteal, telangiectatic, and small cell osteosarcoma.

Harry, who plays for the New Mills FC Under-8s Juniors team, will have further treatment at the Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in Birmingham and the Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital.

His family will need to travel constantly between Manchester and Birmingham, an appeal has been launched to help them through the cost of living crisis.

It has topped £10,000 in just one week, with donations coming in from the local community, football clubs and supporters around the region.

Family friend Sophie Fryer, who set up the fundraiser, said: “It goes without saying that this is heartbreaking in itself, but the challenges his family now face are compounded by the fact that he needs to be treated many miles from his home.

“No family should have to go through what the Budds are now facing, and while there’s little any of us can do to help medically, raising money for the family means that they’ll be able to spend more time together without worrying so much about the impact of time by Harry’s side, like travel costs and not working.

“And, when he comes home again, they’ll be able to heat their home through the day without worrying so much about the extortionate bills.

"They will, hopefully, also be able to buy the occasional treat for Harry and his two sisters, to bring the odd bit of joy to this awful time.”

If you would to too donate to Harry’s appeal visit GoFundMe.

Paige Oldfield

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