King Charles renames £1.5bn HMS Agincourt submarine, overruling late Queen Elizabeth

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King Charles renames £1.5bn HMS Agincourt submarine, overruling late Queen Elizabeth
King Charles renames £1.5bn HMS Agincourt submarine, overruling late Queen Elizabeth

King Charles stepped in to overturn the £1.5billion submarine’s original name, which had been given the green light by Queen Elizabeth in 2018, and rename it HMS Achilles.

King Charles personally ordered the renaming of HMS Agincourt, overruling his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II, a source has claimed.

The seventh and final Astute-class submarine, which is under construction for the Royal Navy, was due to be named HMS Agincourt. It would have become the sixth vessel to be named after the battle which took place in October 1415 and saw the English, led by Henry V, defeat a larger French force near Azincourt in northern France.

But the monarch, 76, stepped in to overturn the £1.5billion sub’s original name, which had been given the green light by Queen Elizabeth in 2018. The King reportedly made his intervention last year and decided to rename the vessel HMS Achilles.

The sub, originally called HMS Agincourt, is under construction eiqrriqhhiqkinv

His Majesty was understood to be concerned that naming the sub after the battle would remind the French of their defeat to the British and could upset them, the Express reported. A source familiar with the renaming decision told the newspaper: "The King personally stepped in and made it clear the name had to be changed because he didn’t want to upset the French.”

The source claimed the name-changing process then got "snarled up in Whitehall" but "resurfaced" under the new Labour government. Buckingham Palace did not deny the story when asked by the Express but a spokesman said: "This would be a matter for the Royal Navy."

Typically, the Ships’ Names and Badges Committee suggests names to the Navy Board, which presents its selection to the Defence Secretary for sign off. The names are submitted to the monarch, as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, for approval.

The Royal Navy would not say why the name had been changed. A spokesperson said: "We are proud of our nation’s rich military history and the many famous battles fought.

"The seventh boat in the Astute class is to be called Achilles - a name which is particularly appropriate this year as we mark the VE and VJ Day 80th anniversaries. Achilles received battle honours during the Second World War. The name was proposed by the Royal Navy Ships’ Names and Badging Committee and approved by His Majesty the King."

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: "The name was proposed by the Names and Badging Committee and approved by His Majesty the King. I obviously can’t get into any more detail on that." The Battle of Agincourt is recognised as one of England’s greatest military victories and provided the backdrop to William Shakespeare’s Henry V, a play in which the monarch famously declares "once more unto the breach."

Sophia Martinez

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