Hero wife fights off 13-foot croc with a log to save husband after horror attack

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Anthony Jouber was rescued by Bianca van der Colff and her husband Johan (Image: Jamie Pyatt News Ltd)
Anthony Jouber was rescued by Bianca van der Colff and her husband Johan (Image: Jamie Pyatt News Ltd)

Terrified crocodile attack survivor Anthony Joubert has told how a 13-foot crocodile had half his body inside its jaws and was only saved when his brave wife attacked the reptile with a log.

Anthony’s son JP, 12, was fishing at a dam in South Africa and was reeling in a catch when his line got caught in a tree leaving the bass he'd hooked dangling from a branch in an inch of water.‌ Anthony, 37, told him to stay on the bank and walked a foot out into the lake to untangle the fish.

Father-of-three Anthony said: “This crocodile must have been lying in ambush because all of a sudden it exploded from the water and had its jaws round my leg and knocked me flat. There was water everywhere, then it adjusted its grip and had my second leg in its mouth just below my belt and started thrashing its head to the left and right with such power.

“I could not see my legs and could just see its teeth and those evil eyes just looking at me as it slowly backed towards deeper water where it would take me down deep and drown me. I remembered about gouging at the eyes and forced my thumbs into them and it just shook me like a rag doll and then my boss Johan ran into the water and grabbed my trouser belt.

Hero wife fights off 13-foot croc with a log to save husband after horror attack eiqeuidekiqkzinvThe beast pounced when the family were enjoying a fishing trip (Jamie Pyatt News Ltd)

"The bizarre thing is there was no pain. I guess it was the adrenaline. I was punching it and trying to get its eyes out but the more I struggled and fought the more it shook me side to side. I honestly thought my legs were just going to get ripped off. When you look at the wounds it is incredible that I didn't lose one or both legs. I will never forget its teeth and how it looked at me.

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“It became a tug of war with the crocodile pulling and Johan pulling and then from nowhere my wife Annalize appeared splashing through the water with a huge log from the dam bank. She began smashing this giant crocodile over the head again and again with terrific force and after five or six huge bashes the crocodile’s jaws opened and it slid away,” he said.‌

Anthony’s employer Johan van der Colff, 36, and Annalize, 33, grabbed the seriously injured victim by the arms and dragged his blood soaked body up the bank away from danger. Johan’s wife Bianca, 39, had grabbed towels and bandages and antiseptic from the farm house they were borrowing for a weekend picnic and fishing trip and applied first aid.

Hero wife fights off 13-foot croc with a log to save husband after horror attackThe dad was grabbed by a four-metre-long crocodile last Saturday

Anthony continued: “I thought my moment had come and I know out here in Africa if a crocodile has such a grip on you then it is impossible to escape – it is just unheard of. I was waiting for the death roll and for it to drown me but despite the size of this beast Johan and Annalize ran into the dam and took it on and saved me from being eaten.

“Every time I shut my eyes or try to sleep I see the crocodile – it is still with me. To have half your body inside a living beast with its jaws around your waist with it moving you deeper…. I never knew my wife had the strength or the power to beat a creature that like off of me. Between her and Johan who was in the water dragging me back they saved my life.

“It will be a long time if ever before I go to a water’s edge again. If I had not gone to get the snagged fish and my son JP had then that crocodile would have just taken him for sure. Thank God I went out into the water and not my son. That would have been too much” said Anthony whose daughters Liza, 10 and Ashleigh, 6, witnessed their father’s attack.‌

Hero wife fights off 13-foot croc with a log to save husband after horror attackThe low lying tree where the boy attracted the croc's interest (Jamie Pyatt News Ltd)

Housewife Annalize said: “It has only just sunk in that I saved his life and I don’t know how I did it. I was in severe shock. Half of my husband was inside a giant crocodile - legs first. I grabbed this log with a tree stump on the end of it and rushed out into the water and I just started battering it over the head again and again and screaming at it till it let go. It opened its jaws and Johan pulled back and Anthony came out and I could see the blood. I just grabbed an arm and he had the other one and we pulled him out of the water.

"We were just terrified the crocodile would come back again and tried to get him up the farm as quick as possible and Bianca was there packing the wounds and bandaging them. I was terrified of him bleeding to death and infection from the crocodile’s mouth and the dirty water and we loaded Johan into his truck and he rushed him to hospital” she said.‌

Hero wife fights off 13-foot croc with a log to save husband after horror attackIt soon became a tug of war with the crocodile - but their determination paid off (Jamie Pyatt News Ltd)

Johan who runs Alfa Fire in Middleburg which is a fire prevention service and employs his friend Anthony rushed him to the public hospital and left him in the A & E department. Johan’s relatives turned up the next morning and found the wounds still filthy and covered in mud and largely untreated and discharged him and took him to nearby private hospital.

At the Life Midmed Hospital the family had to pay a R100,000 (£4,200) on their credit card towards his medical care before they would treat his injuries and costs may yet treble. Mother-of-two Bianca, 39, who stabilised Anthony before he was rushed to hospital said: “If he had staying in the public hospital he would have died – there was no choice to be had.‌

“Anthony’s wounds are now clean and are being left open so they can be kept clean and dressed and disinfected and then in time it will be skin grafts and hell of a lot of healing. We have got a fund-raising page to try and help his family with his medical bills as it will be three months at least until he is up and about so that is no wage to help them get by.‌

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“I hope people can find it in their hearts to donate what they can to help him” she said. “Anthony’s children and mine were shouting “save him, save him” and “don’t let him die, don’t let him die”. They are all having trauma counselling for what they saw. This thing was over four metres long and a metre wide and it was a scene straight out of a horror movie. Half of his body was inside the crocodile with his top half hanging out.‌

“He was being shaken all over the place while trying to gouge its eyes out. Water was exploding everywhere, the kids were screaming, one was on the ground just praying. I have never seen anything like it even on the TV. Statistics say that 1 in 100 people survive a crocodile attack. I don’t think anyone has ever survived being half way down a croc.‌

“When I tried to clean his wounds I found three crocodile teeth still in a stomach hole”. Anthony said he has four deep wounds on his legs and stomach and an assortment of single tooth wounds and admits he is extremely lucky the crocodile missed his private parts. He said: “The doctor said an inch to the side and they would have gone. He also said the teeth missed my femoral artery by literally 1mm. If it got that I would have bled out.

“Two very brave people save my life that day from the most horrific death I can imagine. I have a long fight to get back to health but I was one meal the crocodile was not having”. The dam does have a sign warning of crocodiles but according to locals none have been seen for years and plans are being drawn up to catch the rogue beast and relocate it. The Nile crocodile is an ambush predator and can grow to over 20 feet long and weigh over 2000lbs and swim and run at up to 20mph and kills over 3000 people a year in Africa.

To donate to help Anthony with his medical fees please send to FNB Bank, AC Joubert, Acc No: 63094446713: Branch Code: 255355: Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

Jamie Pyatt

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