Woman 'bleeding, fainting and in pain' for 16 years until she was diagnosed

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Larissa spent years in chronic pain that would often leave her doubled up on the floor (Image: Larissa Shaw)
Larissa spent years in chronic pain that would often leave her doubled up on the floor (Image: Larissa Shaw)

A woman has opened up about her experiences after suffering from severe pain and other symptoms for 16 years before she was finally diagnosed.

Larissa Shaw, 29, started her periods at the age of 13, like many girls do, but hers were far from normal. She quickly realised something was wrong, but what she didn't know was that she would have to endure 16 years of intense pain, 10 ultrasounds and two MRIs without a diagnosis. "I was having varying degrees of pain and symptoms perhaps 25 days of my 35-day cycle," said Larrisa.

"This would range from painful bowel movements, urgent need to urinate, pain during intercourse, fatigue and lethargy from chronic pain. Thinking back to when my periods began, I didn't experience all these symptoms, as many people don't.

"They seemed to worsen and develop new symptoms as I got older. I presume, from the endometriosis growing and developing more around my bowels and bladder. But for a 13-year-old child who had just begun her periods, I couldn't fathom just how much pain I was finding myself in."

By the time she was 14, the symptoms had become progressively worse, sometimes leaving Larissa, who is from Walsall, Birmingham, in pain on the floor of her school. "Pain would radiate up my spine and down my thighs," she remembered.

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"I'd be missing at least two days of school a month, getting trapped in bathrooms where I'd be having painful flare-ups. I'd be often vomiting from the pain and having involuntary diarrhoea. My symptoms back then, would be typically very painful periods. The pain would be severe where I couldn't function in my day-to-day life. The only place I could be, is at home either on the toilet, or in bed.

"No number of painkillers that a child could take would even remotely mask the pain. I had become anaemic by the time I was 14, that I believe was from the amount of blood I was losing." The now 29-year-old remembers being taught about menstruation at school and being told that for an average person, around a tablespoon of blood would be lost. "But I was probably losing around 200ml, passing large clots the size of tablespoons alone.

"I now know I probably have adenomyosis, as well as endometriosis. Many people have both diseases. My mum also experienced the same throughout her entire menstruating life, and she went undiagnosed, and unfamiliar to the term 'endometriosis', having first heard about it when I mentioned it five years ago."

Ever since her periods began, Larissa spent every few months seeing NHS doctors with worsening or new symptoms of what she was convinced was endometriosis. Despite trying all the things doctors would advise her, nothing helped. She would be told to take birth control, which may have "masked symptoms for a time". But her endometriosis would continue to grow and not be treated, reports Gloucestershire Live.

"I even had one doctor tell me to have a baby, and that would help my pain... Seriously. To expand on this, there is no evidence whatsoever that suggests having a baby will help endometriosis. Furthermore, delaying treatment makes getting pregnant impossible for some people with endometriosis in the first place. Bringing a life into this world for the intent of magically curing myself of endometriosis instead of just treating me? It was the most ludicrous thing I had ever heard."

Over the 17 years Larissa, a freelance artist and designer, has spent battling her pain and discomfort, she says "there hasn't been one specific day where I have experienced more pain than perhaps 200 similar days in my life, sadly enough." However, there was one day in particular that left Larissa slipping in and out of consciousness. After attending a teacher training event, she made her way to a dinner date with a friend. After an hour, she felt she was losing a lot of blood, which she describes as a "full torrential downpour."

Frantically worrying, she shot up to go to the bathroom and began feeling lightheaded. "The restaurant was spinning in my vision," she added. "The restaurant was filled with people eating, and I just burst into tears. All the awful memories of feeling utterly humiliated as a teenage girl, of being a young woman going to university, going to work, of situations like this happening."

"I was completely overwhelmed, and I just didn't know what to do. I couldn't make it to the toilet when I became quite delirious at this point, from blood loss. My jeans were saturated. It looked like I had been attacked." Her friend decided to take action and helped Larissa go to AandE, where she waited eight hours to be seen. She was five hours away from home and when it reached 5am, all she wanted was to be curled up in a ball in her own bed.

"When I eventually got a bed, I was admitted and put on an intravenous drip and blood tests were carried out. I felt so emotionally drained, from years of all this trauma, from the pain, and from all the medical gaslighting I had experienced. I knew I had endometriosis. There was nothing else it could be, but I couldn't find anyone who could help me."

Her suffering reached a point where she had enough and eventually decided to pay privately after exhausting all other options and saving up money. An endometriosis specialist diagnosed the co-director of Free House based on her symptoms and an internal examination she had in 2023.

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Larissa said: "The appointment took around 20 minutes, and just like that, 16 years later, I was diagnosed. I'd had perhaps 10 ultrasounds and two MRIs until this point, where doctors had told me they couldn't find any endometriosis. It's only through my own reading, that I learn this is the case for many people. That often endometriosis doesn't show up on any scans, and the only way to rule it out, is having a surgery called a 'laparoscopy'."

Larissa has now had a Mirena IUS inserted, which is a T-shaped hormonal intrauterine device (IUD) that can provide long-term birth control. It is placed into the uterus, where it releases a type of the hormone progestin.

"It was painful and uncomfortable for the first few months of the Mirena IUS settling, but nothing like the pain I was used to. The last few periods I've had have been much more tolerable in terms of pain management. I also did find myself too reliant on codeine at one point."

Larissa still endures bouts of pain, but "not as intense". She says she has more issues with opening her bowels, which can often give her similar womb-centred period pains. "I've been speaking with a doctor from New York, named Dr Vidali, who sounds really invested in those of us with endometriosis and I'd like to get my next surgery with him. So that is giving me hope. I'm also using a TENS machine is helpful, as well as just knowing my body and its limits and calling in sick when I need to.

"I don't need to be stranded in bathrooms in pain, in fear of letting people down when I 'should' be working. Nobody with a chronic and/or lifelong illness needs that." In a study conducted by charity Endometriosis UK, waiting times for a diagnosis have soared in the last three years. Since 2020, diagnosis times in all four nations have risen. In England and Scotland the average stands at eight years and 10 months - almost nine years. In Northern Ireland it is now nine years and five months and nine years 11 months in Wales.

Commenting on the findings, Emma Cox, chief executive of Endometriosis UK, said: "Taking almost nine years to get a diagnosis of endometriosis is unacceptable. Our finding that it now takes even longer to get a diagnosis of endometriosis must be a wake-up call to decision-makers to stop minimising or ignoring the significant impact endometriosis can have on both physical and mental health."

What people need to know

In regards to what Larissa wants people with endometriosis, or who think they have it, to know is that the internet can be an excellent source for learning about the condition. She argues talking to people with similar symptoms and reading blog posts can be very informative.

For the public, she would like them to know that it is a "disabling condition for a lot of people". She adds: "The best thing you can do, is to ask those around you who are affected by endometriosis and/or adenomyosis what you can do to help them personally."

"Ask us questions and be there to really listen. Often, it's just about having someone around to talk to... My female friends are often researching and finding new pioneer treatment to help me too, having people there who take on that role for me, really makes me feel like I'm not alone."

"There's an array of illnesses, diseases, conditions, health conditions and disabilities that exist among many of us. As a society, it's important that we're all listening to one another, to learn how to support one another."

Larissa is reminding people that March marks Endometriosis Awareness Month. Endometriosis affects around 1 in 10 (of those assigned female at birth) mostly between puberty and menopause - it's also a time when women are most active in their career.

What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis is the second most common gynaecological condition in the UK. The disease affects one in 10 women.

According to the NHS, endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the womb grows in other places, such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Endometriosis can affect women of any age, including teenagers.

It's a long-term condition that can have a significant impact on your life, but some treatments can help. The symptoms of endometriosis can vary. Some women are badly affected, while others might not have any noticeable symptoms.

Some common symptoms of endometriosis

You may also have heavy periods. You might use lots of pads or tampons, or you may bleed through to your clothes. For some women, endometriosis can have a big impact on their life and may sometimes lead to depression.

Rom Preston-Ellis

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