'My husband of 2 weeks wants to cheat on me - he says it'll make us closer'

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Marriage vows seemed to have gone out of the window for the husband (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
Marriage vows seemed to have gone out of the window for the husband (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

A husband sent 'chills' down his wife's spine after admitting that he would be tempted to cheat on her at some point in the future. Even more astonishingly, the confession came after the couple had only been married a matter of weeks

The woman, in her 30s, was left feeling confused and upset yet was accused of being 'unreasonable' by her husband as he was only expressing his truthful opinion, according to him. In a Reddit post displaying a heavy dollop of twisted logic, the wife explained at the time: "Before I even start with this insanity. I'd like to give a bit of context.

"We are newly weds, (both 30s) got married two weeks ago and last night we were in bed having some conversations about "the future" and the topic of "cheating" came up (he brought it up) and he said that he 'could see himself cheating in the distant future'."

Initially, she thought her partner was simply teasing her but instead he just asked for a moment to explain his apparent reasoning behind his hurtful statement. She went on: "I gasped at this though really thought he was just teasing/messing with me. But he told me to give him time to explain and said that he doesn't see cheating as something that's "that bad" because if and when he gets tempted and decides to step out on our marriage and cheats...he'd just "miss and want me more".

Through this, he claimed, he would be, "showing himself that no other woman can be as good as I am for him." In addition, him cheating would force him to conclude he only wants, "a stable and serious relationship with me regardless of who he meets/gets attracted to in the years to come....in other words he wants to "compare other women" to me to be able to come to a conclusion that I'm the one for him."

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The wife was left stunned by his unforeseen admission. "Oh god. I wish he was just joking cause he has a dark sense of humor but looking into his eyes at that moment really sent chills down my spine not gonna lie. It wasn't pretty and I felt uneasy," she added.

Yet he still gave his wife a hard time for her reaction because he was yet to commit adultery. She said: "It ruined the mood for us and he started calling me unreasonable to be that upset when he's done nothing "yet" but was just being honest and giving his opinion on the subject."

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The post attracted a mass of responses from people urging the wife to annul the marriage as soon as she could. One warned: "Believe him when he tells you who he is. He will cheat, I guarantee it. you married a liar get an annulment now."

Others said his words acted as "massive red flags" over his intentions, while one user suggested serving him a taste of his own medicine. "Just tell him that you’ve thought more about it and you can really see yourself cheating on him in the distant future too, for the exact same reasons he mentioned," they advised, before adding: "Say this all very seriously, as if you’ve come to the conclusion that he’s right, and cheating in the future is definitely something on the table. I’m sure he will take it very well."

Steven White

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