Jury duty explained from how to get selected to what you'll get paid

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A jury is made up of 12 members STOCK PIC (Image: Getty Images/Collection Mix: Subjects RF)
A jury is made up of 12 members STOCK PIC (Image: Getty Images/Collection Mix: Subjects RF)

Many long to be selected for the grave task, and here's how it all works.

Channel 4's The Jury: Murder Trial is a fascinating televised courtroom experiment where two different randomly chosen juries sit in front of a recreated real-life murder trial. Neither jury panel knows about the existence of the other as the actors reenact the trial from actual court transcripts to see if they reach the same verdict.

In the dramatisation, the two juries, in separate rooms, hear the true case of John Risedale who was charged with the murder of his wife of two months. He had strangled her and attacked her with a hammer at their home in Essex. He admitted killing her but as his defence, claimed he lost control, which allows him to be convicted of manslaughter rather than murder.

The names, dates and locations were changed but the trial was recreated word for word with the two juries given all the original evidence as they try to reach their verdict. Here the Mirror explains how you get to become a jury member and what it could mean for you. There are different rules in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

How are you selected for jury duty?

Names for a jury panel are chosen randomly from the electoral register, so make sure you are registered. If yours is picked, you will get a summons in the post and you must reply within seven days to confirm if you can attend and be one of 12 people who decide the outcome of a criminal trial.

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How long do you get off work?

If you commit to sitting on the jury panel, service usually lasts for 10 days. If the trial is expected to be longer you will be informed and if it is shorter, you may be asked to be a juror on other trials. You'll normally be required in court from 10am to 5.30pm, Monday to Friday, with an earlier start on the first day, but this can vary and details are provided in your summons letter.

What if your employer won't let you have time off?

You should give your employer a copy of your summons and they must let you have time off unless it could be seriously detrimental to their business, when you can ask to delay duty. If they don't let you have time off, you can complain to an employment tribunal and if you're sacked you may be able to claim unfair dismissal.

How much do you get paid for being a juror?

Your employer can choose whether to pay you while you are off and there is no payment for being a juror but you can claim some money back for loss of earnings and expenses such as travel. Usually, for each day you are in court, you can claim up to £64.95 to help cover your loss of earnings and the cost of any care or childcare outside of your usual arrangements. There is also a £5.71 for food and drink each day and travel to and from the court can be claimed.

How do I change the date of service or refuse it?

It may be possible to change the date for another in the next 12 months, but only if you have a good reason, such as you have a holiday booked, you are a new parent or you're sitting an exam. If you can't do it at any date in the next 12 months, you will need "exceptional circumstances" according to gov.uk such as a disability or being a full time carer.

Are you allowed to tell your friends and family about being a juror?

You must not discuss the trial with anyone until it's finished except with other jury members. After the trial you can talk about what happened in the court but not in the deliberation room. You must never post comments about the trial, even after it's over, on any social media sites as this is contempt of court and you can be fined or imprisoned.

What if I find the trial distressing?

Trials can be very upsetting so court staff can give you advice on how to get help and emotional support if you need it, as can your GP or the Samaritans.

The Jury: Murder Trial airs Monday 26 February to Thursday 29 Feb on Channel 4 at 9pm.

Beth Hardie

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