'I refuse to babysit boys older than 10 - it's too risky and dangerous'

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The babysitter had the age rule in place for boys due to safety reasons (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images/Maskot)
The babysitter had the age rule in place for boys due to safety reasons (stock photo) (Image: Getty Images/Maskot)

A woman has told of her concern after being ‘duped’ by entitled parents desperate to find a babysitter. The 19-year-old told how she had been babysitting to earn extra money for the last two years, with only one non-negotiable rule: she would only babysit boys under the age of 10-years-old.

After telling how a family she had been working for passed on her details to a couple looking for urgent help for a special occasion, she spoke to the family, who told her their boys were aged 9 and 10. She said: “I went to their house and the dad greeted me then took me to their living room to meet the boys. To my surprise, the boys looked like no nine and 10-year-olds I've ever met.”

After admitting her shock, she said: “One looked 12 and the other looked like he could be 15 or even 16. Both were taller than me and the older one even had some visible facial hair.” Becoming angry at the fact the parents had clearly lied to her in order to get her to commit, she asked to speak to the mother in private: “I told her I cannot babysit. I was also truthful about the reason and she was livid.”

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With the mum furious and asking if she wanted to see her children’s birth certificates as proof, she revealed she then heard her storm out and tell her husband: “Get this b**** out of my house, I will stay with the boys!" After leaving the premises, she revealed the parent who had recommended her was also furious at her behaviour.

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She said: “She called and was also pretty angry. I explained that these boys looked so much older than they were said to be and there was no way they weren't lying. She said maybe one is actually 11, but the other is truly 9 and that they just look like they were so much older.”

After revealing the reason her age rule was in place for boys and not girls was an issue of safety, she said: “Babysitting two strange boys who were both taller and clearly so much stronger than me doesn't feel safe.” Heading to Reddit after the fiasco, where she said she felt bad for ruining the couple’s plans, she said: “Everyone involved is angry with me and I wonder if maybe I was overreacting and should've just babysat since I agreed. Right now I don't know what to think.”

Readers were quick to jump to her defense, however, with one commenting: “This is not your problem, it was ridiculous of her to expect a teenage girl to be able to deal with boys that are bigger than her.” Another agreed, saying: “If he's old enough to have facial hair, he seems old enough to stay home for a day without parents.” Another was furious on the girl’s behalf, saying: “I’m sorry, but boys maturing slower is such bulls***. Society gives them leeway that they don't give to girls."

Others weren’t so sure, however, with one asking: “How is physical maturity any indication of their ability to watch themselves? It’s just physical, it has nothing to do with their mental abilities. They’re still kids,” while another backed this up saying: “If you're willing to leave an 11-year-old child alone, and expect them to tend to their nine-year-old sibling while you go out, then you have your own problems that need addressing.”

Emma Rowbottom

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