Real-life Dr Doolittle gives up six-figure salary to talk to animals on a farm

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Gemma Cantillon gave up her corporate job to practice reiki on animals (Image: Tom Maddick / SWNS)
Gemma Cantillon gave up her corporate job to practice reiki on animals (Image: Tom Maddick / SWNS)

A real-life Dr Dolittle quit her high-flying city job and six-figure salary to become a spiritual healer for animals.

For 25 years, Gemma Cantillon was climbing the corporate ladder, heading up HR departments in several large international companies across the globe. But after spending years helping people grow in their professions, the 48-year-old turned her attention to helping animals. In 2020, she left her lucrative career to train as a Reiki healer, specialising in improving the mental health of pets and farm animals. So far, she has used her services to assist dogs who are feeling down, nervous cats, a troubled crow and an injured pheasant.

Gemma, who is a mum of one, charges £65 for each session. She uses meditation to communicate with the animals and tells their owners about any issues they're having. She also runs a remote service for animal owners who live too far away to visit in person, connecting with their pets via photographs.

Although her earnings have significantly decreased, Grantham-based Gemma says she's "never been happier" now that she's relieving animals' distress. She explained: "There are two ways to do animal communication. You can go face to face or you can do it remotely.

"I often do it remotely and I ask the pet owner for a good quality recent photograph with the animals eyes visible. I meditate and look at the photograph and study it. Once I feel I have the connection I close my eyes and ask the animal questions. I ask general, open questions to start the process.

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Real-life Dr Doolittle gives up six-figure salary to talk to animals on a farmGemma Cantillon with a pony that she is spiritually healing (Heidi Dawson / EFL / SWNS)

"I've never had an animal say they won't communicate with me, sometimes it takes several sessions. I'm listening through my body for responses, sometimes I hear words. I do a face-to-face feedback session. Sometimes I have no idea what these messages mean, I tell the human what the animal has told me.

"I follow up with a full written report to the client. The most frequent ones that I work with are cats, dogs and horses but my training means I can communicate with any animal. I have a lot of people who come to me, a lot of repeat clients. Most people really love their animals, and really care for them. I can talk to the animals and ask them to share anything with their past and ask what they want to do differently. I always say I won't ask an animal to alter its behaviour."

Gemma is bound by a strict code of ethics and will not talk to animals without their owner's permission. She explains: "You need to get permission from the animal's human before you can talk with them.

"With wild animals you're free to talk to them but someone next door might not appreciate you talking with their cat. Animal communicators can't diagnose anything medical in a session. It's about respecting confidentiality. Sometimes animals share important messages things for their humans.

"I had a particular client with her dog Marley. It was the first time I worked with this client. This client asked me to communicate with their dog. They asked me some general questions, I think they were just intrigued. I went in and did that. The dog shared with me some personal things that they wanted to happen when they passed away.

Real-life Dr Doolittle gives up six-figure salary to talk to animals on a farmGemma with goats that she is spiritually healing (Heidi Dawson / EFL / SWNS)

"I asked the animal what their wishes were. The dog said it would stop eating and stop drinking within 48 hours and that it will become lethargic. I went in really gently and told her what her animal said. She just took it gracefully. Then nine days later the dog passed and she was able to meet his needs.

"I say we're all souls living in a different vehicle, my belief is my soul is equal to any animal's soul. I did communicate with a chicken who wanted red grapes not green grapes. They have their own wants."

Gemma left behind her corporate career in HR after a family move to East Sussex sparked a sudden mood change. She said: "I worked in HR for almost 25 years, I worked in various organisations for big corporate businesses. All my roles were lead HR roles.

"I left HR and my role in 2018 and I took a pause from my HR work and it was during that time I felt it was time for a change. The corporate world wasn't resonating with me anymore. I tried to find my purpose, I had another half of my life to find something.

"I had heard about animal communication and I had no idea what it was about. I started doing animal communication courses and training. It was one year after my training that I went for it. I found people with animals who would let me work with them.

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"Once I realised I could do this it just all came through thick and fast and I built up a bank of clients." She added: "Going from a career from where it was very logical and factual, it's an odd career choice. Everyone can do this, it's not a gift for a few people. We're all born with telepathic capabilities. There's several hours of work for each piece of communication. I don't seek much information from the client, it's mainly just to check I understand what the client is looking for.

Real-life Dr Doolittle gives up six-figure salary to talk to animals on a farmChickens that Gemma Cantillon spiritually healed. (Heidi Dawson / EFL / SWNS)

"It's a lot of time and a lot of energy. We all vibrate at a certain rate. Because animals are in the moment because they're not worrying about the shopping, I have to make sure I raise my vibration to match that of the animal. I was out walking my dog and I can be quite receptive. There was a crow on a telegraph pole rocking back and forth, absolutely screeching with its wings out. I asked them if they were okay, they said they'd been displaced.

"They said they had babies in a nest and that they had to leave them. I got a sense from a pheasant on a field another time and it said it had a hurt leg." Gemma admits that not everyone believes her abilities to cure animals with spiritual healing.

She said: "There are sceptics out there. I'm not out here to change anyone's view. I tend to attract the people who already believe and trust me. A lot of people have worked with me and passed on the details to someone else."

Adam Dutton

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