Pet expert's 4 signs your dog has 'psychic abilities' - including mindreading

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How do animals know their owners are ready to go for a walk or are thinking of feeding them (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)
How do animals know their owners are ready to go for a walk or are thinking of feeding them (Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Your pet suddenly appears at your feet just as you are considering whether or not it is the right time to feed them or take them out for a walk, so did they read your mind or is there a more plausible reason? According to one psychologist, it could well be the case that your little darling(s) do have a handle on what you're thinking.

As part of National Love Your Pet Day, Buzz Bingo spoke to Dennis Relojo-Howell, a psychologist and the managing director of Phsyreg, who revealed the signs that show our pets have psychic abilities and he said: "Pets have always been more than just animals to us. They're our companions, confidantes, and often, a source of wonder. Recent studies and anecdotes have shed light on the extraordinary abilities pets possess, suggesting a deeper, perhaps even psychic, connection between animals and humans."

Dennis said the bond between human and pet "goes beyond the tangible, touching the realms of the extraordinary and the psychic, further cementing our pets as not just animals, but as integral and mystical parts of our lives". And he has listed four top signs that your beloved animal has some scary psychic powers including telepathy, clairvoyance, mediumistic sensitivity and 'psi trailing'.

He said: "It's not uncommon for pet owners to feel like their furry friends understand them without words. This phenomenon, known as telepathy, refers to the communication between the minds of humans and pets. It's as if they can pick up on our thoughts and emotions, responding in kind with a nuzzle or a comforting presence exactly when needed.

And he also put forward the idea of there also being clairvoyance, where: "Many pet owners recount tales of their animals sensing danger before it becomes apparent. This clairvoyance in pets, especially their awareness of impending threats, can be astonishing. Whether it's a natural disaster or a personal crisis, our animal companions often seem to have a sixth sense about these things, alerting us with their behaviour."

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With mediumistic sensitivity, he claims, refers to a sixth sense for the supernatural, adding: "There are countless stories of cats, dogs, and even birds reacting to presences unseen by the human eye, sometimes acting as a bridge to the ethereal world, and he said that pets, especially dogs and birds, can also possess the ability to track down their owners no matter how far away they are.

He said: "This remarkable skill highlights not just an unexplained psychic ability but also the deep bond and loyalty they have towards their human companions." As pet owners across the nation show their four-legged (or winged) friends some extra love and appreciation this National Love Your Pet Day, keep an eye out for these clues that your sweet little companions might have an incredible sixth sense.

Paul Donald

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