New evidence from Arctic jail that Russia lied over Alexei Navalny time of death

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New evidence from Arctic jail that Russia lied over Alexei Navalny time of death
New evidence from Arctic jail that Russia lied over Alexei Navalny time of death

New evidence has emerged from inside the Arctic hellhole where Alexei Navalny was held, suggesting that Russian authorities may have lied over his time of death.

It has been suggested that the prominent critic of Vladimir Putin may have died the day before authorities admitted. Newspaper Novaya Gazeta Europe reached an inmate inside the prison who told of “an incomprehensible stir began in the shelter [punishment cell] on the evening of February 15.”

Navalny was a rare glimpse of opposition in Putin's Russia, and he had once represented the Kremlin leader's most significant political challenge. But with his death, many will fear for the pro-democracy movement in Russia which has been roundly attacked under Putin's reign.

New evidence from Arctic jail that Russia lied over Alexei Navalny time of death qhiddzidiqheinvThe penal colony where Navalny was transferred (AFP via Getty Images)

Navalny was last seen just a day before he is said to have died in footage from his court appearance. He appeared healthy and in good spirits, even making his jailer laugh.

But the inmate claimed there is more at work. They said the "stir" took place several hours after Navalny was last seen, seemingly looking well, smiling and joking in a remote video court appearance from the Polar Wolf jail. Navalny was said to have been in the punishment cell this week. The inmate claims that there was a furore the evening before Navalny was announced to have died - and that they think he could have actually died then.

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The prisoner continued: "It all started with the fact that the evening verification, which takes place from 20:00 to 20:30, was greatly accelerated. This often happens on the eve of holidays, when the guards are in a hurry to get [away], but there was no holiday.

New evidence from Arctic jail that Russia lied over Alexei Navalny time of deathAlexei Navalny was once Vladimir Putin's most significant political challenger (Navalny team/east2west news)

"Then we were locked in barracks, warned that there would be no movement between the barracks, and security was strengthened. So you couldn’t even stick your nose out … You could hear some cars driving into the zone three times late in the evening and at night, but you couldn’t see which ones through the window.”

This was followed the next morning with a complete search of inmates during which several mobile phones, cards and even heaters were confiscated. Prisoners believed that an inspection was imminent, and the inmate claimed that others held within the jail knew of Navalny’s death by 10am Friday - four hours before the official time of death.

The prisoner insisted: “There were no ambulances in the colony on the morning of the 16th. They appeared only after it became known that Navalny was already dead. So I think that Navalny died much earlier than the time that was announced. Most likely, [on Thursday night]. Otherwise, why was it necessary to lock us tightly in the barracks and organise a search in the morning?”

The inmate said that Navalny’s death apparently came as a shock to senior prison staff. The head of the prison - Colonel Vadim Kalinin, 51 - was “walking around like an empty sack, knocked over the head” with another senior officer. Then, a flurry of cars arrived at the prison in the early afternoon on Friday - the time Kremlin authorities claimed that Navalny had died.

New evidence from Arctic jail that Russia lied over Alexei Navalny time of deathNavalny was last seen laughing and joking in a court appearance not long before he died (SotaMedia/e2w)

Lyudmila Navalnaya, 69, Navalny’s mother, arrived today in Salekard, close to the prison colony where he died. She was going to the jail intending to see his body and bid her last farewell. Russian journalist Yelena Rykovtseva said: “She had already traveled this route on Monday, February 12. Then she was seeing her son who was still alive. She's been going to court all these years. She filed lawsuits…demanding visiting rights. She sought and sought meetings with him.

“And she got such meetings even at the end of the world, where is it -34C today. She saw him alive and cheerful [on Monday]. Now a week has not passed, but she flies there again. And again to see him - but for the last time. The world must kneel before this woman. May God give her strength.”

New evidence from Arctic jail that Russia lied over Alexei Navalny time of deathThe lawyer turned politician offered a rare ray of opposition in Putin's Russia (AFP via Getty Images)

In a death notice given to his mother, it was said Navalny died on Feb. 16 at 14:17 local time. Navalny’s spokesperson said: “Alexey Navalny was murdered. His death occurred on February 16 at 2:17 p.m. local time, according to the official message to Alexey’s mother.

“An employee of the colony said that the body of Navalny is now in Salekhard. It was picked up by investigators from the IC. Now they are conducting "investigations" with him. We demand that Alexey Navalny's body be handed over to his family immediately.”

Western leaders roundly pointed the finger directly at Putin, for holding responsibility for Navalny's death. In remarks from the White House yesterday, US President Joe Biden said: "Make no mistake, Putin is responsible for Navalny’s death,".

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This morning, footage has emerged of Navalny's mother, Lyudmila Navalnaya, leaving the Russian prison where he died. Authorities said he felt sick after a walk before losing consciousness and dying.

Will Stewart

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