Hikers came face-to-face with 'big cat' in field but sheep didn't bat an eyelid

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Andy Bowren and his fellow hikers believe what they saw was a lynx (stock image) (Image: PA)
Andy Bowren and his fellow hikers believe what they saw was a lynx (stock image) (Image: PA)

A group of hikers came across a 'big cat' while out on a walk and watched as it darted into a field of sheep who remained unfazed.

One of the group said it was not a scary experience, and compared the sighting to having spotted a deer or pheasant. The googled the animal and found they had come across what they believe was a lynx. They were also rather taken aback seeing the lynx running away towards a flock of sheep, who were clearly unbothered by the animal.

Andy Bowren, 49, from Devon, was out walking with his son, brother and friend, when they saw the animal on February 11. They started out walking on Dartmoor at around 11.30am despite the poor weather, and travelled from Great Staple Tor to Roos Tor before making their way onto Willsworthy.

Andy told GloucestershireLive: "I am on Dartmoor a lot with my son as he is training for the Ten Tors, which is where around 2,400 people meet to hike the tors of Dartmoor. I help with teaching groups to navigate and how to navigate the moor."

"The weather had not been too good at the start of the morning. We had our heads down and just headed to Roos Tor. The four of us were in a line one behind the other, and my friend, who is ex-Army, whistled so we all stopped and looked up. He looked over to and pointed towards the big cat.

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"We saw it for about four or five seconds as it ran about 75 metres from west to east just below the Tor. It ran into a field where there were sheep, which did not bat an eyelid. As we carried on, we saw a couple who were walking towards us, and I asked them if they had seen the big cat. They looked at us as if we were a bit mad and said, 'no, not at all.'.

"It was not a shock to see the animal, it just looked like a natural part of the landscape. None of us were scared, in fact as soon as the animal spotted us, it got out of the way pretty sharpish. The press do not help with sensational headlines about these sightings like 'The Beast Of Bodmin'. I can imagine if you saw a lion which had been growling, you would be shocked, however this animal looked natural and completely harmless."

Andy found articles about big cats in the British countryside and came across Frank Tunbridge who is well known for his wildlife insights and knowledge of big cats. He gave Frank a call, and it is not the first time Frank has heard of lynx on the moors.

Frank, 76 from Podsmead, Gloucester, said: "I recently had a phone call from a man who lives close to, and spends a lot of his time on Dartmoor. He is well acquainted with its wildlife, which he comes across every now and then in his travels, especially around the Tors of that area, where he carries out a training program with young people. He was with three other people at the time, when they all saw a largish big cat running between two of the Tors in a rocky terrain."

It was described as being of Labrador dog size, but with cat-like proportion, and movement. Frank continued: "He described the animal as having long legs, a short tail, pointed ears, a cat like head, with thick fur of a sandy colouration, but with mottling similar to a lynx in it's description. It seemed quite at home where it was, with some sheep nearby took no notice at all of it's activity.

"He said that a lynx was the closest animal compared to what he saw. They saw it at around 11.30am on a clear day, but unfortunately it was quickly gone, as it bounded into some nearby cover, giving the witness and friends no chance to take a photo.

"Lynx sightings are not as common as other big cat encounters throughout the UK, mainly because of their more secretive lifestyle of living in remote areas. Also there are probably less of them overall, than the black leopard and puma types, which get more mention in the press and media.

"Lynx were once indigenous to the UK, but were thought to have been hunted to extinction around 700 AD, probably for their fur. Some advocates would like to see them returned in a rewilding program in some selected parts of the country. In my experience over the years, with many reputable sources of sightings, lynx have been living wild in parts of the UK for decades. The evidence accumulated has now become facts of their scattered existence in Great Britain.

"They are solitary hunters of remote areas, and generally nocturnal and crepuscular in their activities. They have exceptional sight and hearing, and can spot a hare at approximately 300 metres. They can easily avoid the approach of humans, and take cover. The diet includes; birds, especially partridge and pheasants, rabbits, and deer on the menu as well."

"Many people will find it hard to believe that in this electronic day and age , and with more and more infrastructure, large predators can survive and even thrive in many parts of the UK. Yet they do, especially fuelled by the over abundance of our deer population, but as they say 'where there's something to eat there's something to eat it'. I have always found it exciting, and acceptable in having these big cats around and expect that many other people feel the same."

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